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HireLyrics Administrative Services™
                        U.S. CITIZENS (controlled) PUBLIC DOCKET DATABASE™
    A Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury Registered Standard Access Litigation Referral Mechanism
                                            Roxanne Grinage™ PO Box 22225
                                                 Philadelphia PA 19136
                            Toll Free 888-589-1110 (all calls are recorded) Cell: (229) 395-0039
HireLyrics™ is a litigation referral administrative services company that raises quality of life by providing standard access to those
administrative services that when rendered contingently cause fair entry into competitive processes; exposure and earnings opportunities
for the previously unseen, unmeasured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators©. What are Disadvantaged
Creators© Creating?....Work Product and Career Contributions, Families, Communities, Education, Technology, Entertainment,
Engineering, Military and Defense, Health care Medicine and Science, Twelve Step Recovery, Life Experience and Mentorship, etc.
The answer to missed educational opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism;
poverty; and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize access,
standardize procedures, and standardize services. –roxanne grinage, HireLyrics Practice Model Schematics 2003.
Pennsylvania Department of General Services, Minority Women Business Enterprise Certified 2003-2007
PADGS Code 96159 Legal Services Including Evidence Gathering, Depositions and Expert Witness Testimony;
PADGS Code 91885 Personnel Employment Consulting (Human Resources);                       
PADGS Code 95238 Employee Assistance Programs;                                   
PADGS Code 95239 Employment Generating Activities;                                    
PADGS Code 94682 Tax Services Including Tax Advisory Services                   
PADGS Code 96225 Copywriting Services                                              
PADGS Code 95238 Employee Development Consulting                                
                                                                        Roxanne Grinage Hosts HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio
PADGS Code 96220 Career Consulting                                      satellite talk radio where we meet Sundays at 11:00 A.M. EST to share
PADGS Code 91725 Image Consulting                                       Administrative Solutions for Market Entering Challenges for the
                                                                                  previously un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged
                                                                                  Creators©. Listen or download free anytime. Call in number for listening
                                                                                  to show live comments questions and providing testimony of your CPS
                                                                                  DHS Family Court or Agency Contractor victimization is 646-200-4377.
    DRAFT BUSINESS PLAN 1/25/2011 7:39 PM                                         Talk Radio show players play automatically when you visit
                                                                         Come to show
                                                                                  Serve url when live to experience chat and live listening commenting and
    FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM VOTERS                                                   expert witness statements.
                                      CLOSED MEETING INVITATION
          The meeting described is a history making event and will be recorded published and distributed.

    Please present all questions comments and discussion about this package‟s index/contents on HireLyrics Is Born To
    Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show, Sunday January 23, 2011 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST. Roxanne Grinage will not
    be available to entertain impromptu discussions prior to in person closed meeting. Contact information for each
    recipient has been provided in confidential distribution list [not published] and closed meeting nonprofit business
    start up invitees are encouraged to forge collaborative dialogues with each other prior to in person meeting when all
    opportunities for moving forward with being a part of the formation of legally registered private and federal grant
    funded Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways will hinge on invitees meeting deadlines
    described herein. If you choose to or are unable for any reason to join me upon this path I am committed to
    pursuing without distraction please know that I am grateful for having had the opportunity to interact learn and
    benefit from our mutual collaborations but also wish you peace blessings safety and success as we part ways in love
    and respect, - respectfully Roxanne Grinage.

    Be advised that CLOSED IN PERSON MEETING will occur in Center City Philadelphia, where New Jersey,
    Michigan, Washington, Nevada, Florida, Montana and Oklahoma Invitees will participate via internet technology
    enabled services available to Roxanne Grinage‟s management (888) 589-1110, online chat, live talk radio broadcast.

    Date and location of intended closed in person meeting is not announced at this time and will be announced by
    telephone call of Roxanne Grinage approximately one to two weeks after receipt of this package.

                        1 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
    Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
    Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Dear Respected Collaborator:

This is the path I, Roxanne Grinage as the grandmother of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown am
inspired (in spirit) to take to rescue my family’s heritage and future from Philadelphia Family
Court with DHS Conflict of Interest Greed Malpractice Child Selling Schemes.
I commit every resource I have including ten years demonstrated standard access mechanism
Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services to the rescue of my grand children
which I believe hinges on DHS slaughtered families ceasing to be reactive (the nature of a DHS
Demonic Horror Story Assault is to Disorient Confuse and Dismay); determine and navigate our
own course; fuel our own momentum; speak and show up in tragically large one body one voice
– millions slaughtered.
Because my family’s salvation rests in recognizing those with a common purpose passion
commitment and ability, I believe in my vision that a personality independent standard access to
fair entry into competitive processes, i.e., the New Civil Rights Movement fight for human lives;
U.S. and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania economy is needed to amplify the voice of the
systematically silently slaughtered victim American family.
A management team of Federal Crime Victim Voters created by State Court Conflict of Interest
with DHS malpractice will organize the endorsement and impeachment clout of a tragically far
too large voter constituency while we create jobs in our community that do what our elected
officials have failed to do – protect public safety, educate, make referrals to ethical litigators and
claims processes; transmit Fraud Reports and Recovery Act Fraud and Waste Whistleblower
transmittals; honor our Commonwealth, States’ and U.S. Constitutions; and provide
constitutionally correct People’s Protection Safe Haven for DHS and Court Ordered Abused
I believe the addressees of this “package” are qualified to make unique contribution to
implement on large scale quality of life enhancing jobs creation, community development
educational lobbyist and public safety enforcement bona fide legitimate enterprise.
Because our family’s heritage and future are at stake we each have a right to insist on knowing
and trusting who we will stand in the trenches with and know we will be able to look to the right
or the left and know, if able, we each “have” the other’s back.
 If one of us should fall, or ten of us should fall or a hundred of us should fall…we should have a
community-needs powered personality independent mechanism in place that will repetitively
trigger standard access to the rescue of children of all ages injured by the child selling schemes
of official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted.
 Only those people invited may attend – no one may attend whose personal and professional
work ethic synergy and intent have not been assessed by Roxanne Grinage’s demonstration of
administrative solutions tool Pennsylvania Registered Litigation Referral Mechanism U.S.
Citizens Public Docket Database and who I am not convinced share my primary purpose of
Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown and children of all ages injured by CPS
Corruption in Government.


                    2 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
          Empowering resources (Pennsylvania Constitution and Bill of Rights Amendments,
          Mildenberg and Stalbaum’s Federal Class Action Complaint 2008 and Exhibit B Form of
          Settlement Agreement; with Federal Judge Jan E Dubois’ 8/27/10 Memorandum
          Jurisdictional Challenges and Order printed; the civil rights child custody lawsuit filed in
          New York November 10, 2010 which names chief justice and Unified Judicial System is
          printed. Also sharing resources shared with me by you in email – Freely shared with
          invitees whether you choose to participate in the forming of Federal Crime Victim Voters
          Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways or not. Also included are law schools and law school
          libraries directories, children’s trauma injuries and children litigation rights groups
          including some case law. Shared also in this section is what needs to be done by us as a
          group to form a legal viable long term free from founder’s syndrome nonprofit which
          qualifies for federal and private grant funding and which pays salaries and costs of our
          community development services rendered under the direction of the management team.

          a.         Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Filing Guidelines.

          b.         The Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act.

          c.         Cease and Desist Orders

          d.         Starting Your Nonprofit. Consider Fiscal Sponsorship To Jump Start Your Organization

          e.         Do You Need a Lawyer to Start Your Nonprofit?

          f.         Various Online Checklists for Starting a Nonprofit Organization

          g.         Something to Avoid Founder‟s Syndrome

          h.         Free Booklets – Guides to Management and to Program Design and Marketing

          i.         Free, Online Nonprofit Organization Development Program

          j.         Sources of Assistance to Help You Develop Your Nonprofit

          k.         Bylaws Checklist

          l.         Conference Calls and Electronic Meetings

          m.         Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Forms

      n.       Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau Instructions for Completion of
Form Nonprofit Corporations Only.

       o.            Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau Articles of Incorporation-

       p.     Pennsylvania Department of State Instructions for Completion of Form:                                            Annual
Statement-Nonprofit Corporation

          q.         Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia Why Form a Nonprofit Corporation?
                    3 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
r.         University of Dayton Grand Jury Functions

         s.    Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett, now Pennsylvania Governor‟s
Attorney General Official Website article: Investigating the Investigating Grand Jury – What It Is, What
It Does.

       t.      Pennsylvania Attorney General official website article: Attorney General Corbett
announces criminal charges in second phase of legislative investigation; 10 suspects charged Republican
Caucus Investigation

         u.    Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Notice 1382 (Rev. September 2009)
Changes for Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. Complete 28 pages printed and enclosed for your empowerment.

        v.     2009 Seal of The City of Philadelphia Stamped Office of The Inspector General Annual
Report, Amy L. Kurland, Inspector General.

          w.         Pennsylvania Constitution Declaration of Rights.

          x.         U.S. Constitution Amendments 11 thru 27 Bill of Rights

         y.       Joint and Several Liability Analysis, “a legitimately injured plaintiff sues two defendants,
A and B, for his damages. The separate acts of negligence of these two defendants combined to cause the
plaintiffs injuries, thus invoking an appropriate finding of joint and several liability. Defendant has the
ability to pay and defendant B does not. After a trial, defendant A is found 10% liable for plaintiffs
injuries, while defendant B is found for the other 90% what is the result?”

        z.      Lexis Nexis Article Copyright 2005 Southern Methodist University School of Law
Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Article: Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Claims Under
the Warsaw Convention.

        aa.    DePelchin Children‟s Center – Trauma In Children. Sources of Trauma in Children:
Sexual maltreatment/assault; Physical maltreatment/assault; Psychological maltreatment; Domestic
violence; Neglect; Traumatic Loss/Separation; War/terrorism/political violence; inside the U.S.; Natural
or Manmade Disaster; Illness/Medical; Illness/Accident.

         bb.     ABA Member Advantage Directory Children‟s Rights Litigation Pennsylvania:
Children‟s Advocacy Clinic Penn State University, Dickinson School of Law; Education Law Center;
Interdisciplinary Child Advocacy Clinic University of Pennsylvania Law School; Juvenile Law Center;
Kidsvoice; Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center; Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia;
Support Center For Child Advocates; The Child Abuse and Neglect Program; The Kids N Kin: The
Caregiving Program; Volunteer Attorneys for Medically Needy Children.

        cc.     Children‟s Rights Litigation / ABA Section of Litigation / Case Notes: Landmark
Juvenile Law Cases; First Amendment; Fourth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; In re William M
and Marques B, Nevada Supreme Court; Kansas Supreme Court Rules that Juveniles Have a Right to a
Jury Trial; In re C.s. 115 Ohio St. 3d 267 (2007); Finstuen v. Edmondson; Morse v. Frederick;
Winkelman v. Parma City School District; R.S. v. Dept of Children and Fams; B.T. v. Jackson – S.E. 2d
(W.Va. November 30, 2006), In a domestic violence case initiated by a 15 year old boy acting in his own
right and without a guardian; Guardian Ad Litem‟s Duty of Confidentiality Not Absolute; The West
Virgina Supreme Court of Appeals; Tennessee Rejects Jury Trials in Delinquency Proceedings; Kentucky
Joins Courts Rejecting Crawford in Civil Child Welfare Proceedings; In re R.L.C. in an opinion narrowly
                    4 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
construing the U.S. Supreme Court‟s landmark decision in Lawrence v. Teas, the North Carolina Court of
Appeals; In re Pamela A.G. after the four year old child made statements describing sexual abuse to her
foster parents, a state social worker, a trained forensic interviewer, and her therapist, the state amended its
abuse and neglect petition to include allegations of sexual abuse; In re Walling, this termination of
parental rights case involved a five year old boy whose mother had alcohol and substance abuse and
mental health issues; E. C. v. Sherman, The USDC for the Western District of Missouri declared that
Missouri statutes rolling back adoption subsidies were unconstitutional and permanently enjoined the
statutes from taking effect; In re Adoption of B.G.J.; Anderson v. Town of Durham, Maine Supreme
Court; Harper v. Poway Unified School District; US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit speech
protected outside a public school is not necessarily protected inside school grounds; Kenny a. v. Perdue;
In February 2005 a federal district court ruled in Kenny A v. Perdue 356 F. Supp. 2d 1353 (N.D. Ga.
2005) that a class of abused and neglected children in two Georgia counties have the right to legal
representation in all proceedings while in state custody.

         dd.    ABA Director of Children‟s Law Program; Children‟s Law Center; Children‟s Legal
Clinics; Children‟s Resource Centers By State.

        ee.      City of Philadelphia Official Website Department of Human Services
Contract Service Provider List. Printed and enclosed. 8 pages of veracious billable child
traffickers City of Philadelphia Legal Department Solicitors retaliate against families who ask for
their civil rights by shipping our children to the most horrendous of billable DHS Demonic Horror
Stories. Study this list of contractor service providers and list each one involved in your families
DHS Demonic Horror Story.

        ff.     FY 2011 Request for Proposals Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS)
Division of Community-Based Prevention Services (CBPS); DHS Parenting Collaborative., Issue Date:
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Due Date for Application, Wednesday, April 7, 2010 4:00 PM; Anne Marie
Ambrose, Commissioner, Cynthia Figueroa, Deputy Commissioner, 1601 Cherry Street 9th Floor,
Philadelphia Pa 19107. I provided printed all 27 pages except darkened cover page which would have
eaten              too              much                ink/toner              to            print.

Study this Request For Proposal to understand the revenue fueled consumption of our families; to
knowledgeably request audits (audits of what? Audits of whom?) as Department Heads of Federal
Crime Victim Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways; and to become expert at responding to RFPs
providing Proposals that will give DHS Contractor consumed families the ability to better manage
funding sources when contract bids are won by private and federal grant funded nonprofit Federal
Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways.

          gg.        List of Law Schools in Pennsylvania;

          hh.        List of Bar Associations in Pennsylvania;

          ii.        List Law School Libraries in Pennsylvania;

        jj.     Printed from official court website: Administration Office Fax Numbers;
Room Number and Direct Dial Telephone Numbers of: Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty;
Honorable Margaret T. Murphy; Mary Lou Baker, Director; Deputy Court Administrator, Domestic
Relations Division, Roy C. Chambers, III, Director Building and Field Operations; Joseph C. Kamnik, Jr.,
Director; Statistical Management and Personnel Policies Consultant: Clayton Carter, Manager
Administrative Services, Facilities Record Retention and Security; Edward Lehmann, Manager Data
Management and Scheduling; Administrative Support Staff: Anna Mae Shipley, Office
Manager/Secretary to Mary Lou Baker; DCA; Philly Guercio, Personnel Specialist, Mary Ellen Ehringer
                    5 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Sectary to Roy C. Chambers, III; Colleen McCarthy Secretary to Joseph McGill, Esquire; Carol DiEgidio,

         kk.      City of Philadelphia Law Department Telephone List includes Civil Rights Unit all City
Solicitors; direct dial extension: Official Title, Unit they function in, Division (DHS, real estate, tax
administration, transportation, civil rights, appeals/litigation, intellectual property, executive office,
general trial, etc.); the floor their office is on and their official city of Philadelphia taxpayer provided
email address Includes numbers into conference rooms and Department fax numbers. 44
names on 8 pages total at least 280 Conflict of Interest functioning Officials whose individual
accountability will be measured in fifty families and growing $1 Billion Class Action Personal Injuries
lawsuit pending.

         ll.     Office of Leon R. Koziol, J.D., 1518 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13502 (315) 796-
4000, November 17, 2010 Press Release From: Civil Rights Advocate Leon R.
Koziol, Re: Federal Court Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Against NYS Chief Justice State Court System and
Others Challenging Parenting Laws and Liberty Deprivations; For Immediate Release: “In what may be
described as the most sweeping challenge to date upon our nation‟s draconian child custody laws
surrounding Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, New York Civil Rights Advocate Leon R. Koziol, J.D.
has filed a comprehensive test case in United States District Court in Albany, New York. Named in the
action are judicial and law enforcement officials, including New York‟s Chief Justice and Unified Court
System. The lawsuit, served upon select parties this week, takes aim at “custody” and “child support”
laws which alienate children from their parents as part of a government money generating scheme. A 39
page, 24 count civil complaint sets forth the manner in which lawyers and forensic agents feed off of
manufactured controversies in domestic relations courts to harm parent-child relations and the financial
stability of mainstream household. According to Koziol, it is a process which his harming the
productivity of an entire nation. 38 pages printed and enclosed.”

        mm. U.S. Supreme Court of The United States Office of The Clerk, Washington, D.C. 20543,
Guide For Prospective Indigent Petitioners for Writ of Certiorari. All pages printed and enclosed
including Affidavit or Declaration in Support of Motion for Leave To Proceed In Forma Pauperis.

        nn.   The Mildenberg & Stalbaum, P.C. prepared and filed 08/25/2008 Class Action Complaint
U.S.D.C. PaED 208cv04110-JD (Federal Judge Jan E. Dubois). 20 pages and Civil Cover Sheet printed
and enclosed.

        oo.     Exhibit B of Three Proposed Settlement Agreements submitted by Mildenberg &
Stalbaum, P.C. in U.S.D.C. PaED 208cv04100-JD: from United States District Court Southern District of
New York, Plaintiff class and Intervening Plaintiffs against Rudolph W. Giulliani, Mayor of the City of
New York; Jason Turner, Administrator of the Human Resources; Administration and Commissioner of
the Department of Social Services of the City of New York; Nicholas Scoppetta, Commissioner of the
City of New York City Administration for Children‟s Services; George E. Pataki, Governor of the State
of New York; and John Johnson, Commissioner of the New York State Office of Children and Family
Services, Case No. 95 cv 10533 (RJW). 28 pages enclosed.

        pp.    08/27/2010 Federal Judge Jan E. Dubois 37 pages Memorandum Jurisdictional
Challenges; and 3 page Order in re Class Action Spencer and Bryan Jones severely brutalized disabled
children. Remember the names Brave Little Jasmine Kitchen, Ezekiel Brown, Arriyel Brown, Zyeem
Hill, Envy Smith and Marc Anthony Clayton. All pages printed and enclosed.

        qq.    11/29/2010 An example of administrative solution tool Federal Crime Victim Voters
invoke 2004 Attorney General Promised Federal Crime Victim Bill of Rights Demand Retaliatory
Stalking with Malice DHS Case workers Stay Away from victims a Federal Judge has already determined
                    6 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
they acted illegally in transporting the child/children into their DHS Demonic Horror Story “care” in the
first place.

       rr.   Collaborator Information that was freely shared with Roxanne Grinage passed on for
your empowerment.

                           i. 01/16/11 Email of Barbara Clayton re Lobby Day in Pa January 25, 2011

                          ii. 01/17/11 Email Confirmation Receipt of Deborah Young‟s Lawmaker
                              Distribution requested scheduled meeting to discuss remedies for slowing DHS
                              Malpractice Child Slaughter.

                         iii. 01/17/11 Janice Brown guided me to official website of family law attorney
                              Stacy E. Schwartz, LLC where Pennsylvania laws stating Grandparents have
                              automatic standing in custody cases contrary to Judge Kevin M Dougherty, Alice
                              Beck Dubow, Judge Paula Patrick and several Philadelphia Domestic Relations
                              judges systematically violating Court Rules of Civil Procedure, Commonwealth
                              of Pennsylvania Constitution and U.S. Constitution verbally stripping
                              grandparents and parents of “standing” and blocking parties and public from

                         iv. 01/19/11 Diane Azevedo shared articles and “The
                             Child” Sweeps Into Massachusetts Like a Storm! Documentary PO Box 1090
                             Purcellville, VA 20134 (540) 751-1200 “You should
                             have heard the “oohs” when everyone…realized this is something that their
                             state‟s chapter of Focus on the Family, they got an audience of around 300, with
                             50 volunteering after the film to remain continually active in promoting the
                             movie and the Parental Rights Amendment.

                          v. [printed 1/19/11] Article by Carol Bangura, M.Ed., Child Custody Disputes and
                             the Agencies in Philadelphia That Fail Them.

                         vi. 10/06/1997, Article by Katherine Boo Post Staff Writer
                             Page A01, Most D.C. Day-Care Centers Have Expired Licenses.

 II.      MANDATORY             DEADLINES           ASSIGNED:        REQUIRED           DEMONSTRATED
          ACCOMPLISHED BEFORE OR AT IN PERSON MEETING. - Mandatory Forms Required
          Returned to Roxanne Grinage at the time of our in person closed meeting. You can appreciate the
          urgency of the daily systematic slaughter of working class student and impoverished families by
          Michael Nutter‟s Judge Kevin Dougherty Anne Marie Ambrose‟s Courtroom Killing Floors does
          not afford any further time for delays in judgment. If you will not make the in person meeting but
          want to be included you will have to send all mandatory completed signed forms by mail so that
          Roxanne Grinage receives them no later than the Friday before the Saturday meeting….Roxanne
          Grinage PO Box 22225, Philadelphia Pa 19136.


                     Title Position Duties Description for which you perceive yourself receiving a salary for
                     providing if employed by Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused
                     Runaways. You have to call the 888-589-1110 numbers and leave as many voicemail
                    7 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
messages as necessary to describe exactly what you envision your title(s) and work
                     product contribution is a right fit expenditure of salary/compensation. No one is
                     compensated monetarily simply for being a Board Member. We will submit the position
                     descriptions accounting for the jobs created in our business plan as duties position
                     descriptions are required by the various entities the non-profit will have to account to.
                     Roxanne Grinage will type up your official position description as you describe the duties
                     you are qualified for and willing to provide our organization and have available for your
                     signature at first founder meeting. You must get your voicemail position descriptions
                     into 888-589-1110 no later than January 28, 2011. Any late submissions of voicemail
                     messages that describe your vision of compensable work product contribution to Federal
                     Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways will result in your forfeiting
                     employment opportunities with our organization due to inability (for whatever reasons) to
                     meet time sensitive deadlines of our new business start-up. Time sensitivity will drive
                     all the competitive quality of life impacting community development actions
                     provided by Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways.
               b. Each invitee has 10 Class Action Sign Up Flyers which feature New Civil Rights
                  Movement and Community Education Objective: Definition of Imminent Danger
                  becomes common knowledge, presence of DHS case work vehicle presents optimum risk
                  of crime in progress, Neighbors exercise moral and constitutional right to run, record
                  their witnessing imminent danger or record themselves witnessing false statements
                  kidnap for profit attempt of DHS employees. If there really is imminent danger,
                  neighbors will record themselves raising their hands stating out loud

                     “I am a family member; I am a family friend, I am a neighbor, there is no need to
                     traumatize the child by placing the children at highest risk of injury and sexual
                     predators occurring with DHS foster contractors…The child can continue in his or her
                     familiar surroundings, familiar people places and things, familiar teachers, class mates
                     schools and activities…Children’s Protective Services CPS policies and procedures are
                     satisfied if the child remains in our care and the DHS case worker does not make false
                     statements to cause Federal funding intended for the preservation of families for their
                     own                                     financial                                 gain!”

                     If community records themselves the vehicles photo i.d.s and license plates of
                     visiting case workers, the fate of the working class student and impoverished victim
                     family will no longer rest on the integrity and scruples of untrained or financially
                     incented criminally behaving DHS employees… the thought of eventual individual
                     accountability being leveraged for willful reckless child endangerment, kidnap for
                     profit personal injuries inflicted, happening around our city two and three times a
                     day and Federal Crime Victim Voters unbiased News Broadcasts featuring the
                     daily systematic silent slaughter of families by dishonest DHS workers will provide
                     an accurate measure of currently unreported conflict of interest malpractice
                     atrocities for slowing the Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Court Reform Emergency.

                     The yellow colored flyers are for posting in places seen by community. They are not for
                     handing out to a population who may not have a need for the information. Please be
                     prepared to submit a written list report to give Roxanne showing where you posted each
                     flyer. You don‟t have to post all ten flyers, we are just tracking the feedback as it comes
                     in from areas flyers are posted: Barber Shop, Laundry Mat, Check Cashing bulletin
                     board, Supermarket bulletin boards, your homes where company would see; University
                     and College campus information boards, etc, your church or place of worship bulletin
                     board, community centers information boards, etc.
                    8 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
c. You each have 10 color flyers that are intended to be used for education through
                  conversation. Again, do not waste resources by handing out flyers without recognizing
                  whether the message meets the targeted audience we are trying to reach. After having a
                  conversation with a classmate, someone you strike up a conversation with in any waiting
                  room anywhere; your church mosque or synagogue members, your co-workers, and you
                  have reason to believe they have interest, then, leave them with a color flyer. You don‟t
                  have to report to Roxanne Grinage who got the color flyers because Roxanne Grinage is
                  tracking the market response for yellow paper posted flyers.
               d. You each have 5 color New Civil Rights Movement Families Fight Back Say No More
                  DHS Demonic Horror Stories Fundraiser Priorities (yellow text block) for Tee Shirt sales
                  and Amazon published Court Reform Case Studies sales. Use these to understand my
                  priorities for fundraising with an outlook towards the future that demands growing past
                  any one particular personality or vision. Please begin to think about pitching proposals
                  for what you believe is important to spend the abundance our private and federal grant
                  funded non-profit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways.
                  Keep these fundraising priorities handy for when we go out into the community, parks
                  and shopping malls as they are vibrant and will help to have on the various literature
                  tables we might present.
               e. The Federal Crime Victim Conflict of Interest Disclosure Must be completely filled in
                  signed and original returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. Please email Roxanne
                  Grinage to talk about customizing this form to suit your workplace discrimination claim
                  or your Family Court with DHS Conflict of Interest Malpractice victimization which
                  occurred in a jurisdiction in a state other than Pennsylvania or a municipality outside of
                  Philadelphia County.
               f.    Pennsylvania Licensed Professionals COMPLAINT FORM(s) (Social Workers or
                     Psychologist Bonding Evaluators etc) must be completely filled in signed and returned to
                     Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. If you have more than DHS employee you want to
                     complain about to the license board make as many photocopies of the blank form as
               g. Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Request For Confidential Investigation COMPLAINT
                  Forms must be completely filled in signed and returned to Roxanne Grinage at first
               h. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Attorney Discipline COMPLAINT Forms must be
                  completely filled in signed and returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting.
               i.    Complete All information asked for on Page 7 of my standard access intake form, i.e.,
                     authorization to aggressively publish and submit due diligence; you understand Roxanne
                     Grinage is not an attorney but a legal administrative assistant, your telephone numbers,
                     addresses are MANDATORY: List every possible way to contact your Authorized

               j.    Read and sign Certificate of Service Child Slaughter, U.S. Economy Fraud, Court
                     Reform State of Emergency Disclosure. Sign and date on page 14 and return original
                     signed in blue or black ink to Roxanne Grinage at in person meeting.

               k. Read and sign that you understand Definitions and Declarations used by Roxanne
                  Grinage in all lawful filings and claims processes; date and sing on page 18 and return all
                  to Roxanne Grinage at in person meeting.

                    9 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
l.    Complete Claimant‟s U.S. Citizens Data HireLyrics Client Information page 15 and
                     return to Roxanne Grinage.

               m. Complete Information About the Person(s) Who Have Your Child/Children to the best of
                  your ability. If you do not know a piece of information write “I do not know”. Do not
                  leave anything blank. Complete Page 16 and Return to Roxanne Grinage at in person


1. Agree on Overview Rationale Strategy and Planning (no issue will be tabled or decision delayed) the
   meeting will be scheduled to last three (3) hours on a Saturday – only attendees of the first meeting
   will participate in moving forward.
2.      Sign your acknowledgement/approval on Roxanne Grinage‟s Notes taken during the meeting
about our discussion and what we agreed the Bylaws will be for our Pennsylvania and U.S. Department
of Treasury registered Non-Profit business start up. Our meeting and discussion will be recorded.
Roxanne Grinage will type up and finalize the Bylaws we agree on and file with Pennsylvania Non-Profit
Business Registration, paying the filing fee after getting the signature of agreed upon officers/board
members only.
3.      Next Steps Next Meeting: Roxanne Grinage reports back to Founder/Board Members Business
Registration recommendation of attorney retained to Register Pennsylvania and IRS Non-Profit Entity

Below is a basic template that will be required to retain all professional services, including litigation,
private investigators and attorney services.
[Dear Litigation Professional,

         Thank you for meeting with us today to discuss services fees options recommendations regarding which
professional services you might agree to render in accordance with our litigation referral, marketing, careers or
business and community development objectives.

         Please review the enclosed materials left with you, discussed during our meeting today. Should you decide
to render any professional services(s) on our behalf, we require

(1) Signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Case Status Reports Client File Transmittal and Confidentiality
    Agreement with your complete contact information including email address for timely document sharing,
    updates, etc, and

(2) Proposed Form of Engagement Letters, Contingency Agreement(s), Payment Schedules/Options, or Litigation
    Plans that may apply. We promise to return a decision as to whether or not we will contract your services
    within one week of receiving these required written instruments.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                    HIRELYRICS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES
                                                    U.S. CITIZENS PUBLIC DOCKET DATABASE

                                                    By:        _______________________________
                                                               Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrative Assistant]

                    10 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
                                   Case Status Reports Confidentiality
                                   Client File Transmittal Agreement

I, _______________________________________________, functioning in a business capacity at

_____________________________________________________________________ (include zip code); having
telephone numbers __________________________________________________________________________
and email addresses ________________________________________________________________________ and
website(s) ____________________________________________________; attorney I.D. or State Licensed
Professional I.D. No.____________________; and Federal Tax I.D. No. _______________________________,
and having disclosed all ways for optimizing efficient timely communications by and between myself, my staff
and any authorized agents of my business (Skype)____________________, Facebook, Twitter, Internet Radio
and TV, Linked In I.D.s, etc.___________________________________________________________________,

Legal and Moral Responsibility for having read, reviewed, talked with listened to and understood the professional
services needs as expressed and presented by _______________________ and _____________________, in their
individual and professional capacities as managers of Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury registered
Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways, and do swear and affirm that

I do not have a personal or professional relationship with any individual, agency, venue, system process, lobby
group or campaign that would prevent me from acting ethically to provide professional services in the best interests
of Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. I promise to disclose within twenty four
hours of perceiving any developing conflicts of interests which may arise during our client professional service
relationship. I agree to adhere to the standards of Confidentiality as prescribed by the various Bar Associations and
licensing entities I am a member of. I recognize that the management team of Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe
Haven DHS Abused Runaways retain the right to make final decisions as to continued internet publishing case
studies submitted as due diligence to the Certified Service Lists CPS Corruption In Government Clean Up Initiative
recipients they have made known to me.

I agree to provide Roxanne Grinage or Federal Crime Victim Voters appointed representative, Status Reports of any
service I am Providing for them same day there is any new information to report by email or voicemail or both.

If I am an attorney, I agree to provide to Roxanne Grinage or Federal Crime Victim Voters appointed representative,
a copy on disc or flash drive if feasible or photocopies of entire contents of the client file I have created and grown
on their behalf within 5 calendar days of requesting by email or voicemail or both and that I have already included
the cost of copying and timely transmission of client file in the professional services contract fee quoted upon
retainer of my services.



Printed Name and all Contact Information

                   11 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
01/08/2011 Checklist Documents provided for the first federal attorney shopped as class of
similarly situated Federal Crime Victim Voters created by Philadelphia Family Court Domestic
Relations Judges Conflicts of Interest Relationships with City of Philadelphia DHS hundreds of
multi-million dollar billing contractors…See me Abena Lorraine and her husband Duane going to
talk to the attorney on January 8, 2011, title “Neighbors Run Record
Witness DHS Claimed Imminent Danger”.

(1)      Free To Register Interest Sign Up Flyer Distribution Lists Parties for Attorney Conflict of Interest
Check. “A New Civil Rights Movement…Families Fight Back Say NO MORE…DHS Demonic Horror
Stories.” Free Sign Up Form – Distributed in Community: $1 Billion Class Action Sign Up Family Court
with DHS Malpractice Caused Personal Injury Economic Treason Child Support IRS Adoption Tax Credit
Fraud Save Haven For DHS and Family Court Abused Runaways; Campaign 2012 Organize Voter Clout
Federal Crime Victim Voters.

(2)   Practice Model Graphics - Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of

(3)     Administrative Solutions Strategy: Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud
Court Reform Emergency is Measured in Docket Monitoring. A New Civil Rights Movement…Families
Fight Back…say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories.

(4)     Certificate of Service Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative Disclosures. Administrative
Solution responsible recording respectful reporting individual accountability, Official Corruption Fraud Civil
Rights felonies inflicted “Guardianship is not lawfully reassigned.” Explains the administrative solutions
features of U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database and was used in all pro se filings prepared
by Roxanne Grinage for self and others.

(5)     Roxanne Grinage’s Medical Error Terminal Disease Inflicted by City of Philadelphia Jail Nurse in
presence of U.S. Marshal; medical evidence confirmed on March 8, 2010. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
for Medical and Legal Industry Professionals. Diagnosis details. Dated 9/14/10 invokes Whistleblower

(6)     Three Court Reform Case Studies the filings in related dockets Roxanne Grinage v. Fern Brown
Caplan, et al, U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG; Willie Brownson Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown Arriyel
Roxanne Brown in our own right versus Judge Robert J. Matthews and Anne Marie Ambrose in their
individual capacities for having forfeited immunity 1983 Civil Rights Act Theft of Vested Interest and
Career Theft Trauma Injuries, U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-05448-BMS and Lorraine Grinage v Saundra
Sullivan 12/13/09 Aggravated Assaults on Minors while in the commission of Perjury Bigamy SSI Fraud
and other fraud crimes, U.S.D.C. PaED 210-cv-00179-MSG.

(7)    How Big Business Corrupt Family Court Machine Grew Fatter by Consuming The Futures of Two
American Children, Two U.S. Economy Careers and Product Contribution. HireLyrics Factual Case Study
Documents Unethical and Dangerous Conducts of Three Family Court Professionals: Timothy E.
Possenti, Esquire, P.C.; Custody Master Fern B. Caplan, Esquire, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania
(CHOP) Social Worker Patricia Lee, LSW.

(8)      Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown. Fundraiser pays for hiring private investigators,
travel and professional expert witness report costs: Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan have fled 972
Anchor Street to avoid Federal and Municipal service of summons for aggravated assaults and child
abuse injuries inflicted on Lorraine Grinage’s children and Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren from
12/13/2009 through June 8, 2010 attempted home invasion public mob assault with base ball bats and
guns where Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan Diane Kearney Laquita Sullivan and 3 men with baseball bats
and guns brought Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown into mob assault to further endanger and traumatize them as
they watched their mother attacked with a bat, their grandmother assaulted and their father Erick Brown
beat their pop pop and primary care giver Willie Brownson while fifty neighbors scrambled to protect their
families from believed to be City of Philadelphia employee relatives of Saundra Sullivan who announced

                   12 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
“we got burners” while Saundra Sullivan said “You know I am not worried.” Philadelphia CR-10-06-11-
9549 was referred by President Judge Marsha Neifield to District Attorney R Seth Williams office for
failure to effective service of summons on July 12, 2010 but Nepotism corruption in the District Attorney’s
office and surname Kearney and Sullivan prevalent in D.A.’s office and City of Philadelphia Employee
directory as well as 2009 Philadelphia OIG reports protects fugitive Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan Diane
Kearney and Lenwood Kearney (Diane Kearney and Lenwood Kearney are DHS foster parents of two
small burn victim boys and Anne Marie Ambrose refuses to do anything about one of her foster parents
participating in a public mob assault child abduction. Diane Kearney is also witnessed by community
hitting Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown and hosts get-high parties which further endanger and destroy Lorraine
Grinage’s children.
(9)     6 in Court Reform Case Study Series. Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud
Court Reform Emergency Measured In Docket Monitoring. Courtroom Killing Floors Courtroom 14 Robert
J. Matthews, Pennsylvania First Judicial District Court of Common Pleas Family Division. 27 S. 12 th Street
and 46 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia Pa 19107. Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown DOB 09/22/06 Arriyel Roxanne
Brown DOB 07/22/08 Emotionally Injured Abused Missing and Exploited Witnessed endangered
traumatized and abducted during June 8, 2010, public mob assaults of Erick Lee Brown, Saundra O.
Sullivan, DHS Foster Contractor Diane & Lenwood Kearney, Laquita Sullivan and 3 men with baseball
bats and guns boasted by Saundra Sullivan to be friends who work for the City of Philadelphia.

(10)    Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Department of State Business Entity US Citizens Public
Docket Database (micro film shows litigation referral mechanism).

(11)     U.S. Marshals Service Affidavit U.S.D.C. 210-cv-00179-MSG.                               Lorraine Grinage v Saundra

(12)     Order January 19, 2010 of U.S.D.C. Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg Grants In Forma Pauperism
Lorraine Grinage. U.S. Marshal will serve Saundra O. Sullivan.

(13)    Complaint of Lorraine Grinage lawful guardian of Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and Arriyel Roxanne
Brown in our own right as guardianship is unlawfully reassigned through series of 47 felonies inflicted.

(14)      Curriculum Vitae Roxanne Grinage

(15)     Package Distributed at Obama Move America Forward Rally October 10, 2010. “Vote For
Candidates Who Recognize Working Class Student and Impoverished Families Holding Evidence of
State Agency DHS With State Court Malpractice Systematic Abuse of Immunity Language in 1983 Civil
Rights Act Child Slaughter U.s. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency A New Civil Rights
Movement….Families Fight Back….Say No More DHS Demonic Horror Stories. Vote for Candidates
Who Arrest Child Abuse Fugitives Erick Lee Brown Saundra O. Sullivan fled 972 Anchor Street
Philadelphia Pa 19124 skilled auto mechanic repairing cars on the street cell: 216-776-2634. Google
Satellite Street View found Arriyel Roxanne Brown sitting on porch wall in front Saundra Sullivan parent’s
and mob assault fugitives house Diane and Lenwood Kearney 4835 N. 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa,
19144 (a city dollar gift house).

(16)      Proofs hand delivered 11/09/2010 by Roxanne Grinage to Zane David Memeger USDOA Eastern
District, request to fairly deploy Federal Fugitive Task Force voicemail follow up recorded and ignored.

(17)    09/24/10 Open Letter Victims Names Read President First Lady Obama Pennsylvania
Gubernatorial Candidates District Attorney R Seth Williams Mayor Michael Nutter Informed of Names of
Federal Crime Victims 322 families nationwide 42 Philadelphia DHS slaughtered families.

(18)  11/6/2012 Video Press Release from Liberty Place, Center City Philadelphia. INDIVIDUAL

                   13 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
(19)    11/09/2012 Print Out Hand Delivered Evidence Delivered on Disc with active links to document
proofs confirm Pennsylvania Eastern District corruption poisoned, ignored by U.S. Department of Justice
Attorney Zane David Memeger Federal Fugitive Task Force unfairly deployed for liar Judge Robert J.
Matthews and not to rescue proven injured mob assault abducted Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown, Lorraine
Grinage’s children.

(20)     The packages distributed at 11/06/2010 Press Release includes thirty five families letter to City of
Philadelphia City Council regarding DHS Hearings and Memorial Day Letter Eric Holder requesting
Federal Intervention and Audits to secure public safety protect against Civil Unrest brewing in Official
Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Gangland Styled Corruption Poisoned Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Also includes list of HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show Titles used to submit podcast
urls to Certified Service List.

III.      Roxanne Grinage accounts to group about who I am what I believe in, my work ethic and
          my work product contribution: standard access mechanism practice models, community
          development data reported to President’s Executive Office prior to my victimization in
          U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG Roxanne Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire, et al;
          administrative solutions developed for financially devastated victims of Family Court with
          DHS corruption to achieve fair Marketing Careers Labels Stores and Litigation Referral;
          my personal demeanor, nine areas of expert administrative practice community
          development practice models; the letter notices public incident reports and work we as a
          group have already done to document the problem and why we will not spend any more
          energy dwelling in the problem and why will are ready as a group to urgently and lawfully
          move forward with strategy and planning that will rescue our families and our finances
          from Corrupt Family Court and DHS; which will be rendered into the developed vision of
          nonprofit enterprise start up Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS abused

          a.         Prayers and spiritual counseling shared with me which I believe in. 6 pages.

       b. Practice Model. Invention of Business Method provides standard access
to administrative services that when rendered contingently raise quality of life by enabling earnings and
exposure opportunities for previously unseen unmeasured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of
Disadvantaged Creators. 1 page.

        c.      Roxanne Grinage Speaking and Teaching Fee Schedule Fees Fairly Adjusted to provide
standard access to learning Prototype Schematics of Quality of Life Enhancing Standard Access Portal
Mechanism. Free for any Host Entity Type who gathers to worship a benevolent creator. 1 page

         d.      Roxanne Grinage Respectfully Suggested Administrative Solutions for U.S. Economic
Recovery – In The Trenches Qualified Contribution: There is a liquid demographic of Americans Who
Strategically Troubleshoot and Minimize Projected Loss. Reported April 6, 2009 via Managed Service
List to President Barack Obama, his Presidential Staff and President‟s Executive Officers in the form of
print and with thirteen videos and forty-five pages HireLyrics Administrative Services Community
Development data and Build This! Manifest Full-Scale Implementation of Mechanized Route to Best
Quality of Life Without Delay! HireLyrics Schematics – HireLyrics was born to serve the previously
unseen, un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators. “The answer to missed
education opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty and
hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize
access, standardize procedures, and standardize services. Respectfully, - Roxanne Grinage. 45 pages.

                   14 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
e.     Roxanne Grinage Virtual Dossier – Demonstrated Competences. The standard access
community development and business start up bulk event design twelve step recovery spiritual
inspirational motivation promotion items designed licensed and sold; best price pitch proposals; strategy
planning and presentation work Roxanne dba HireLyrics was doing before encountering cumulated 47
felony crimes committed against Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown by Fern Brown
Caplan, Esquire and Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, Judge Robert J. Matthews in CCP Phila. DR No.
0C0705124.                                                         15                              pages.

05/10/10 Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services Open Letter on behalf of twenty-six
Philadelphia County DHS slaughtered families, addressed to Senator LeAnna Washington;
Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell with courtesy copy certified service distribution to Mayor Michael
Nutter; District Council Members; Anne Marie Ambrose DHS Commissioner; Pennsylvania Supreme
Court Administrative Offices Taxpayer provided attorneys of record defending corruption abuse of
immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act and District Judges in U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG;
209cv05015-MSG. 209cv05448-BMS; 210cv00179-MSG; and the Pennsylvania Court of Judicial
Discipline of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; copy to Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court
Reform Emergency Case Study File: Lorraine Grinage Rescue DHS/Family Court ordered abused
verified injured 3 ½ and 1 ½ year old Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown suffering mental cruelty, physical abuse,
post traumatic stress disorder, parent alienation injuries as billable fodder for Social Security Income
Fraud, Bigamy, Child Support Enforcement Fraud, Brightside Learning Academy Fraud; Fraud of Public
Official Mayor of Norwood East Lansdowne, Fraud of City of Philadelphia DHS, Fraud of Philadelphia
Family Court, Philadelphia Adoption Court Fraud (known about by Roberta Trombetta, Esquire), Fraud
of Philadelphia District Attorney Private Criminal Complaint division, flagrantly practiced by and known
about by all defrauded entities Child Abusers and Fraud Criminals Erick L. Brown and Saundra O.
Sullivan 972 Anchor Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19124, now 4835 N 10 Street, Philadelphia Pa 19144
(Dianne and Lenwood Kearney); 4824 N 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa 19144 (Andrew Sullivan) and
Google Satellite Street View has spotted Saundra Sullivan‟s relatives with Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown on
1800 block of Judson Street, Philadelphia Pa 19121.

“…This announces 26 Philadelphia families who‟s DHS and Philadelphia Family Court corruption
victimizations are documented by HireLyrics Administrative Services desire to participate in the “DHS
Hearings” talked about in attached Daily News article written by Regina Medina. Also attached is my
04/17/2010 Letter to Senator Anthony Hardy Williams on the subject. Please respond in writing with
instructions as to how we may register/participate in upcoming „“DHS Hearings.‟” Complete Certified
Service Distribution List. 18 pages

        f.      05/31/10 Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services Memorial Day Letter
addressed to Mr. Eric Holder USDOJ on behalf of thirty-two DHS with Family Court malpractice
slaughtered families. Certified Service Distribution included: Hand Delivery with Notice of Appeal of
U.S.D.C. PaED Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg‟s Order of May 11, 2010 209-cv-04119-MSG Office of
the Clerk before 06/10/10 Deadline U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Seven (7)
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Eastern District Officials and City of Philadelphia Public Servants,
Authorities and Officials who have ignored prior pleas of Philadelphia Families to respond to prior proofs
of Economy and Quality of Life Impacts of Pennsylvania Eastern District‟s documented Child Slaughter
Economy            Fraud          Court           Reform           State          of          Emergency.

…Dear Mr. Eric Holder, This Memorial Days marks exactly one year since I announced my standard
access to administrative service mechanism, HireLyrics would use community development data gathered
by citizens‟ verified public incident reports to develop and demonstrate working prototype administrative

                   15 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
solutions tool suggested to President Obama‟s Whitehouse Executive Officers in care of Rahm
Emanuel….” 8 pages.

         g.      09/24/2010 Via Video Statement, Internet Posting, Print, Television, Talk Radio Media
Distribution. This is an Open Letter respectfully transmitted on September 24, 2010 by Roxanne Grinage
HireLyrics Administrative Services on behalf of 322 families nationwide; 42 working class student and
impoverished Pennsylvania Families. Everything I do is to rescue Ezekiel Zadkiel Wright Leach Brown
and Arriyel Roxanne Brown born to my daughter Lorraine Carlett Grinage on 9/22/2006 and 07/22/2008
and those CPS corruption in government destroyed children of all ages similarly situated. Strongest
prayers for the rescue of children of all ages destroyed by CPS corruption in government. Strongest
prayers for the rescue of children of all ages destroyed by CPS Corruption in government. Certified
Service Distribution: President of the United States Barack Obama; First Lady Michelle Obama in her
esteemed capacity for caring about quality of life for the American Family and in her 9/21/10 announced
capacity for lobbying the interests of Democratic Party candidates; Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate
Tom Corbett; Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Onorato; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter;
Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams. Courtesy Copies for Esteemed Lawmakers and
Prosecutors We Pray Will Intervene and Audit: Mr. Eric Holder; Federal Bureau of Investigation; “Crime
victims created by corruption in government victimizations are also a voter constituency encouraged to
call, email or fax your support of the passing of July 26, 2010 via press conference from Independence
Mall announced Bipartisan Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission: Honorable Curt Schroder;
Honorable Eugene DePasquale; Honorable John T. Yudichak; Honorable Mike Vereb; Informational
Copies Certified Service: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Evidence Committee; Eastern District
USDOJ Attorney; Child Abuse Registry Director Harriet Dichter and her replacement Michele Messinger
and Acting Secretary Michael Nardone; Administrator Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline Wanda
Sweigart; FBI Philadelphia Complaints; Chief Counsel for Philadelphia City Council who canceled
public DHS Hearings ten (10) hours before hundreds of Philadelphia families registered interest in
testifying as to DHS Demonic Horror Stories, John D. Christmas, Esquire; President Judge Marsha N.
Neifield; Anne Marie Ambrose City of Philadelphia DHS; Pennsylvania State Court FJDC CCP Domestic
Relations            Administrative            Judge            Kevin           M.           Dougherty.

“There exists a voting constituency of working class student and impoverished families having
specialized interests as crime victims created by official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted.
We have used free and low cost services of the internet to develop standard access to administrative
solutions tools which gather evidence depositions and witness testimony; county victims, measure
economy fraud and career theft costs, measure intent culpability or competency of official corruption
assailants to responsibly verify documents and whistle blow a nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy
Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency….” Lists thirty-seven names of DHS Slaughtered real flesh and
blood Pennsylvanians and refers to 322 known about nationwide. The prototype demonstration
development of HireLyrics Administrative Services demonstrated administrative solutions tool U.S.
Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database Overview Rationale and Practice Models Evidence
Gathered Testimony Interviews Experts and Resources broadcasts included with active links to Citizens
Video Journalism are included…”

         h.       11/06/10 Video Press Release Liberty Place, Center City Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Three victims of Judge Kevin M. Dougherty Anne Marie Ambrose Roberta Trombetta illegal adoptions
child selling schemes; Lorraine Grinage mother of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown; Barbara Clayton
Grandmother of Marc Anthony Clayton; and Janice Brown 2009 Feltonville Crash Survivor Third Street
Angels Grandmother Illegal Adoption Victims Zyeem Hill and Envy Smith.                     Press Release
Announcement, Individual Accountability Statement. It‟s not “the government”; It‟s not “the system” It‟s
not “them” and “they” that are destroying Commonwealth and U.S. economy via systematic injuries and
disability inflicted by way of Kidnap for Profit, abusing existing laws policies and procedures of Federal
                   16 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Funded Agency and Court employers – the culprits have first and last names and titles upon which
Campaign 2012 Galvanize Voter Clout Federal Crime Victim Voters will leverage lawful individual
accountability. The Goals and Objectives of Campaign 2012 Galvanize Voter Endorsement and
Impeachment Clout of Tragically Far Too Large Voter Constituency Federal Crime Victim Plaintiffs is

         i.       11/09/10 printed evidence with evidence DVD disc Roxanne Grinage hand delivered to
U.S. Department of Justice Eastern District Pennsylvania Attorney Zane David Memeger with proofs of
USDOJ and U.S. Marshals Federal Fugitive Task Force having been lied to by Judge Robert J. Matthews
in cumulative 47 felonies committed to cover up the crimes of his colleagues Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire
and Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire which resulted in 2 false arrests and imprisonment, personal injury
medical error terminal disease inflicted. USDOA Zane David Memeger has ignored proofs connecting
the 06/08/10 public mob assault child abuse abductors of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown‟s nepotism
corruption with Philadelphia District Attorney‟s office and City of Philadelphia‟ Dollar Gift House
program. Despite proof that Google Street view found Arriyel Roxanne Brown on October 29, 2010
sitting unattended on 8 foot porch wall of neighbor of Saundra Sullivan‟s parents and mob assault child
abuse participants and Anne Marie Ambrose known about DHS foster contractors, 4835 N 10th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa, 19144, Saundra Sullivan‟s brother Andrew Sullivan living across the street at 4824 N
10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19144; with Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan‟s sons a few door down, new
truck likely purchased from insurance fraud reported to 2 nd district police and R. Seth Williams February
2010 and again on May 25, 2010 – Zane David Memeger‟s ignoring evidence forced Philadelphia
Families and his refusal to fairly deploy Federal Fugitive Task Force to Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel,
Federal Judge‟s Mitchell S. Goldberg and Burle M. Schiller‟s documented by lawful filings Docket
Manipulation Deliberately Imposed Administrative Errors in all related dockets 209-cv-04119-MSG
forces the realization for Philadelphia working class student and impoverished families that our Eastern
District             of            Pennsylvania             is              corruption           poisoned.

This is an example of how Federal Crime Victim Voters DHS Safe Haven For DHS Abused
Runaways Nonprofit departments will submit reports, due diligence, proposals for budget spending
and evidence to those entities we seek intervention and audits to slow a nationwide Child Slaughter
U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Reform Emergency. 18 pages.

         j.     10/18/10. Federal Crime Victim Voters Lobby the passing of Bipartisan proposed
Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission. Judge Kevin M. Dougherty and Judge Margaret T. Murphy
revealed to boast flagrant conflict of interest relationships with multi-million dollar billing contractor
service providers of DHS. HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Talk Radio Topics which examined gathered
testimony verified document and podcast urls submitted to official contact forms of those lawmakers, law
enforcement, media icons, society and family preservationist, MBA and legal community, with the ability
to intervene audit…Fifty Roxanne Grinage hosted Broadcasts from 08/09/2009 Family Court Attorney
Child Welfare Ethics 6th Draft US Citizens Controlled Incident Report Database through 10/03/2010
President and First Lady Obama Pennsylvania Tom Corbett Dan Onorato Shown Federal Crime Victim
Voter. 8 pages.

        k.      12/09/10. U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Public Post Incident Reports
important Case Studies rendered into the Due Diligence Reporting Headings of Administrative Solutions
Tool which measures Work Ethic, Synergy and Intent, Culpability, Competency, Willful, Accessory,
Connects Relationship, Reveals Siphoning of Federal and State Funded intended for the preservation of
families into the pockets of official corruption fraud civil rights individually named Defendants; Next
Heading: Public Post Incident Report Lawful Actions Taken by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights
Victim Family before asking for Public Integrity Commission or Federal Intervention and Referral.
Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency Is Measured in

                   17 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Docket                                                                                                                   Monitoring.

Headings: Number; Jurisdiction; U.S. Families and Business Victims Real Flesh and Blood Persons
whose vested interest, career and economy contributions are stolen, obstructed or unlawfully siphoned
due to Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Crimes and Court Malpractice imposed abuse of Immunity
Language                 in               1983              civil              Rights             Act.
Next Heading: Individual Accountability; Stripped of Immunity in 1983 Civil Rights Act For Having
Willfully or Negligently Inflicted Felony Crimes Malpractice Irreparable Harms Upon American Families
and Businesses. Strong Supreme Court Cert Petition Exhibit A. U.S.D.C. Courts Have Become
Inaccessible As a Source To Petition Redress of Grievances of if Complainant is not a member of
Corporate Entity Bar Association. Nationwide Violations of U.S. States‟ Constitutions, Employee
Misconduct, Professional Malpractice Conflicts of Interest in Violation of Rules of Evidence and Civil
Procedures, CPS Funding Sources and State Agencies DHS policies and procedures. Next Heading:
Fraud      Report      Whistleblower       Transmittal    Intervention     and     Audit     Requests.

HireLyrics        Demonstrated          Verified       Public       Incident       Reporting        Verified        Case      Studies:

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Janice Brown and three generations of Family: includes Daily News articles,
Pennsylvania Superior Court Discriminatory Dockets; Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Individual
Accountability measured City of Philadelphia Civil Rights Legal Department, Civil Rights Unit and Child
Welfare Craig T. Straw, Esquire: Barbara A. Ash City Solicitor DHS Social Services Chief Deputy City
Solicitor; City of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Office of the City Solicitor Shelley R. Smith City Solicitor

Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Kirt and Barbara Clayton, Lynn Clayton, Marc Anthony Clayton.
Philadelphia Family Court Judge Kevin M Dougherty Worst Offender Illegal Adoptions.

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Deborah M. Young and her children Chronic Deliberate Philadelphia Family
Court Denials Protection From Abuse to Accommodate Wealthy Relative, Nepotism Corruption and DHS
Contractors Billing Agenda. Prolonged Child Abuse, Trauma, Physical and Mental Abuse Injuries.
Individual Accountability Shown in Pa Superior Court Dockets wherein Appellant Deborah M. Young
won oral argument before Justices Stevens, Mundy and Kelly, only to have U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-
05015-MSG Defendant Judge Alice Beck Dubow‟s mother come out of retirement to accept appointment
on Pa Superior Court; Pa Superior Court Dockets prejudicially dismissed fast tracked closed 3 days
before scheduled Oral Argument Appearance. These filings show how Federal Crime Victim Voters will
“wear” our States and U.S. Constitutions declaring our right to retain our identities and to petition our
Courts for Inherent Rights of Mankind without having to become licensed bar attorneys as no one
interviewed us and asked us if we were bar association attorneys when Family Court Conflict of Interest
Malpractice with DHS billing contractors targeted working class student and impoverished American
families to inflict felonies of personal injuries, conspiracy to kidnap for profit, forced commercial
transactions, theft of heritage, career theft, theft of vested interest, economic treason.

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Brown Ezekiel Wright Leach Born 09/22/06; Brown Arriyel Roxanne born
07/22/08; Grinage Lorraine Carlett (Age 26); Grinage, Roxanne (Age 53), Brownson Brounson William
Willie (Age 54), HireLyrics Administrative Service Pa Dept of State and U.S. Dept of Treasury
Registered (2001); 09/20/2010 F.J.D. CCP Family DR 0C0705124; 09/10/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED
209cv04119-MSG; 11/13/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv05448-BMS; 01/14/2010 U.S.D.C. PaED
210cv00179-MSG; 06/07/2010 U.S.C.A. 3rd Circuit 10-2079 from 05/11/2010; 06/08/2010 Police DCM
No 1025053895; 06/08/10 Public Mob Assault Child Abduction Brownson v Erick L. Brown CR-10-06-

New Jersey, Lisa New Jersey Grandma For Justice is one of three illegal adoption victims Special Guest
                   18 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Witness on Roxanne Grinage hosted HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio scheduled
12/05/2010. NBC Wednesday‟s Child Anchors David Hansell HHS Freddie Mac AdoptUSKids Get
Kidnap For Profit Data. Known to CPS Reformist Groups as Lisa New Jersey Grandma, a legal industry
paralegal professional who is a Federal Crime Victim with her son, having had several felony crimes
inflicted upon their family to kidnap for profit through illegal adoption her grandson. 16 pages.

The Following Lawful Filings Or Letter Notices And Demands Provided To Demonstrate That All
Filings Of nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways Legal
Department Will Build On Administrative Solutions Method Demonstrated By Roxanne Grinage DBA
HireLyrics Administrative Services. Every Single Filing Done For Any Community Member Seeking
Services From Federal Crime Victim Voters Will Condense And Reflect Case Information From First
Presentation Thru Current Filing. No Research Document Production Or Filing Procedures For
Federal Crime Victim Voters Nonprofit Paid Legal Department Professionals Will Be Subject To The
Limitations Of Traditional Thinking But Will Immediately Trigger Multiple And Internet Enabled
Active Links To Data Management Evidence Gathering Discovery Depositions And Expert Witness
Testimony. Litigation Claims Compensation Fraud Reports And Whistleblower Transmittals Will
“Run” Through Simultaneous Venues Concurrently. Seminars May Be Held By The Community
Educators In Our Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven For DHS Abused Runaways But The
Legal Administrative Referral Services Enacted In Our Legal Department Will Not Be Curtailed Or
Otherwise Made To Be Non-Standard By Any Outside Influence.

        l.       12/13/2009 Email Thread by and between Roxanne Grinage Lorraine Grinage
grandmother of mother of Ezekiel Arriyel Brown alerting Anne Marie Ambrose Judge Robert J.
Matthews USDOJ Eastern District USDC Clerk of Court Clerk 9, Fern Brown Caplan Esquire, DHS case
workers Kenneth Dixon, Dionne M. Woodbury, Jacinta Garrison, Letitia C. Batton, Joseph E. Kuna; DR
No. 0C0705124 144 Citizens Petitioned Removed Child Abuser Judge Robert J. Matthews, Michael A.
Horan, Esquire, Judge Lisette Shirdan-Harris, Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire informing Official Corruption
Fraud Civil Rights Defendants in 209cv04119-MSG and 209cv05448-BMS that their greed deceit
extortion willful reckless child endangerment order of August 17, 2009 has resulted in “Re: Emergency
IMMD Needed Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown Being Beat By Girlfriend Saundra Sullivan and her Sister
Erick        Brown           Says       He‟s        going        To         Kill       the        Kids.”

“Ms. Ambrose, given the records management debacle that caused these assaults of my grandchildren,
could we please cut through all the keystone cop he said she said b.s. of your incompetent dishonest social
workers? I had to remind Colette Jones she is a city employee before she would even give me her name.
She said she would not take any of the case identifying information that would qualify her to know and
act appropriately urgently, i.e., the evidence that Fern Brown Caplan destroyed and Official Fraud
Corruption case of the Philadelphia Family Court criminals which Jacinta Garrison and ethical Police
Sergeant looked at and Jacinta Garrison took into DHS possession which Kenneth A. Dixon chose to
ignore to conspire with Timothy Possenti, Esquire, Judge Robert Matthews at the Paid for by Extorted
Bribe August 16th Phony Rule To Show Cause Hearing. Why Can‟t you as Commissioner of Department
of Human Services who is already the focus of so much willful reckless child endangerment and child
abuse and child death, simply issue an Emergency Tactical Task Force that could rescue Ezekiel and
Arriyel? Reports of crimes in progress do not ethically warrant “staff investigation.” Act urgently to take
steps that save Ezekiel and Arriyel. DHS has 3 pounds of paper and Audio proofs results from your
freakin‟ investigations that DHS has mismanaged, we are thinking deliberately now. I need to know my
grandkids got to a hospital today and I‟m not going to get caught up and delayed in your slow talking
round about incompetent scapegoat social worker supervisors. Take responsibility for the records
management that impacts human lives and take responsibility for getting the instant information from
your social worker Jacinta Garrison and Kenneth Dixon without further delay. Any other action than an
urgent action independent of my getting the run around from DHS B.S. hotline is Professional
                   19 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Misconduct and Criminal Complicit Accessory to Child Endangerment, Personal Injury and Death.

Final     statement        in    18      page      email      thread      12/13/2009         is    from       Roxanne        Grinage:

“Are you without souls? I pray the feds indict and arrest Anne Marie Ambrose, Judge Robert J. Matthews,
Fern Brown Caplan, Timothy Possenti, Michael A. Horan, Kenneth A. Dixon, and Sergeant Muse for
capital                        felonies                         against                       children.”

[The next day 12/14/2009 Fern Brown Caplan Stood in Michael A. Horan’s office snickered sneered
and laughed while the sheriff deputies cuffed / arrested Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine Grinage
who had come to Court to File Emergency Petition For Relief with ten pieces of evidence on Disk
including one hour and ten minutes of Kenneth A. Dixon 10/14/2009 home visit false statements and
11/17/2009 Video of Statement of Erick Lee Brown detailing Custody Master’s and his attorney’s
Timothy E. Possenti’s extortion demands that exceeded $4,000.00 “need $750.00 more for custody
master.” While Protector Mother and Grandmother were locked up by Judge Robert J. Matthews
who claimed there was no evidence on any of the six discs provided, Erick Brown and Saundra
Sullivan were across the street in defrauding Philadelphia Orphans Court getting a marriage
license while Erick Brown was still legally married to Lorraine Grinage and who a friend of the
Possenti Family, Mayor of Norwood, George F. McCloskey officiated over Bigamist Wedding
Christmas Eve 12/24/09, we believe to assist in the back door illegal adoption that Roberta
Trombetta, Esquire has refused to answer thirty-five Philadelphia families’ questions about how
does one learn whether known child abusers have in fact filed notice to adopt or petition intent to
adopt in the sealed clandestine Records of Philadelphia Adoption Court. Court Rules say protector
mothers and fathers are supposed to be able to file a Petition Chief Judge Orders Disclosure. More
than fifty Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered families aren’t even able to get answers posed by
telephone, letter notice, certified, priority mail, etc.] 18 pages.

  03/11/2010 thru 04/09/2010. Law abiding Citizens continue to act lawfully, utilize internet advertising
   ( and community patriotism organize Citizens Signature Gathering Campaigns to identify
     victims of Tyrant Judge and secure signatures Petitioning Removal of Corrupt Child Abuser CCP
                           Philadelphia Family Court Jude Robert J. Matthews.
  Citizen Families of Philadelphia County Pennsylvania
                            PETITION TO REMOVE
                                                FAMILY DIVISION
        Courtroom 14, 27 S. 12th Street, 46 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia PA 19107
          A New Civil Rights Movement has begun forced by CPS Corruption in
                             Government Clean Up Initiative.
         Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency
                           Return Signatures Addresses with Zip Code and Age to
                                                  Roxanne Grinage
                                       HireLyrics Administrative Services
                                      U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database
                          (you can select all and copy and paste right into an email)
                   20 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
                                 Sign the Petition at
 Postage prepaid Envelopes for return of signed petitions by Family Teams in Signature Gathering
         Campaigns around the City of Philadelphia will be Provided Promptly Upon Request
                                  PO Box 22225, Philadelphia PA 19136
                                            Tel: 229-395-0039
If you download and open the pdf of this Petition to Remove Judge Robert J. Matthews, print only pages
1 through 5 if you are part of Philadelphia’s Citizen Family Teams zoned to gather signatures around
University of Pennsylvania, Temple, Drexel, St. Joseph’s Hospital, The “Clothes Pin” sculpture at City
Hall, Food Court Liberty Place, DPW locations, labor and staffing locations, second and third shift Center
City restaurant night life and working class commuters, Bridge and Pratt, Roosevelt Avenue Mall in the
Northeast or any of the Recovery and Transitional houses along Frankford Avenue, in Southwest
Philadelphia; Salvation Army shelters and men’s shelter near Broad and Girard. The pages after page 5
are for the public’s information already posted to U.S. Citizens Public Docket at and
show Judge Robert J. Matthews’ failure to meet American Bar Association judicial competency and
conduct standards having been rated by litigants F and D- and having comments demands and pleas to
remove the family destroying Judge Robert J. Matthews ABA ratings managed by the Courthouse Forum,
“The             Nation’s            Repository            of           Courthouse           Information”

Trucker Distribution and Return of this signed Petition along with Truckers’ already powerful
commitment to stop CPS’ targeting of Trucker Families is greatly appreciated.

I live in these United States and signed below recognizing a new Civil Rights Movement has
begun forced by CPS Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative with strongest prayers that my
signature will slow and eventually stop the Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform
State of Emergency occurring in our nation.                     

Original Air Date: 3/10/2010 6:30 AM

Judge Robert J. Matthews lies to U.S. Marshals Philadelphia Sheriff CFCF 7901 State Road Prison
The head of the snake of Philadelphia's CCP Family Court systematic child selling scheme with City of Philadelphia
DHS which puts our children with the most abusive parent, locks up and destroys the finances of the protector
parent, so that Anne Marie Ambrose DHS foster kinship and adoption contractors can bill federal funding for the
transport "placement" "evaluations" human trafficking injuries and human trafficking our Philadelphia's middle
class and working poor families by Bucks Delaware Montgomery County commercial litigation attorneys corrupt
custody judges Fern Brown Caplan, Esq, Timothy E. Possenti, Esq PC, Judge Robert J. Matthews, Judge Alice Beck
Dubow, Judges Ida K. Chen, Paula Patrick, Kevin Dougherty, Margaret T. Murphy, Diane Thompson, child advocates
especially Carlin Talib Saafir Esquire and on and on - JUDGE ROBERT J. MATTHEWS show boated for the benefit of
the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Unit who professionally and with dignity, handled Judge Matthews ordered
arrest of Roxanne Grinage 03/08/2010 in Courtroom 14, 46 S. 11th St where Judge Matthews grandstanded order
to expedite release of protector mother Lorraine Grinage who Sheriff's Office Warrant Sergeant Muse has
imprisoned because mother tried to protect Ezekiel and Arriyel from Saundra Sullivan beatings and Judge Robert J.
Matthews' terrorism against families. Lorraine Grinage is not released and Officer Gordon answering 215-686-7957
confirms at 5:00 A.M. 3/10/10, Philadelphia Sheriff CFCF won't say if Lorraine Grinage was harmed due to Judge
Matthews' personal vendetta against families of Philadelphia who try to protect their children from the prolonged
abuse DHS' child selling ring - still has no knowledge that Lorraine Grinage is supposed to be released and Roxanne
Grinage's calls to both the U.S. Marshal's office, Sheriff's office about the tyranny go un-responded to. PID No.
9985315, CFCF 7901 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 215-685-7957. PLEASE PRAY FOR LORRAINE GRINAGE.
                  21 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
Category: Education
         Philadelphia Citizens v Judge Robert J Matthews
         Terrorist Judge Robert Matthews
         Philadelphia Child Selling Ring Anne Marie Ambrose
         DHS Philadelphia Family Court Contractors
         USDOJ Court Reform State of Emergency

I am either someone whose family has been harmed by Judge Robert J. Matthews or I know of a family
who has been harmed by Judge Robert J. Matthews, or I have come to be informed of the harms Judge
Robert J. Matthews is causing to Philadelphia Pennsylvania families through American Bar Association
judicial competency and conduct ratings and/or U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database reports of arrests
and imprisonment of family preservationist grandmothers, mothers and fathers who try to protect children
from Court of Common Pleas Family Division Judge Matthews Corruption and Personal Vendetta Child
Abuse inflict upon Philadelphia Pennsylvania families including Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren and
Lorraine Grinage’s children Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown whose proofs of child
endangerment, abuse and injuries were consistently destroyed by Judge Robert J. Matthews in order to
indulge Judge Robert J. Matthews’ tyrannical senile and personal vendetta cover up of colleague Custody
Master Fern Brown Caplan’s extortion conspiracy with private defense counsel Timothy E. Possenti,
Esquire, PC proven and known to the world posted and responsibly recorded July 20, 2009 through
August 17, 2009 in U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database.

Judge Robert J. Matthews has acted deliberately and with malice, criminal intent and personal vendetta
to prolong and exacerbate verified injuries suffered by Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren to steal vested
interests of Ezekiel’s and Arriyel’s Careers earnings to force commercial transactions and steal from the
business interests of HireLyrics Administrative Services and U.S. Citizens Docket Database by
committing Judicial Perjury to cause false arrest and imprisonment of Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine
Grinage on 12/14/2009 and fraudulent clandestine hearing with DHS present on October 16, 2009,
documented by video statement of Erick L. Brown on November 17, 2009, destroying by ignoring
protector mother’s and grandmother’s lawful filings with Clerk of Court Mark Alleva, CCP Family Division
Philadelphia County and exhibiting unlawful, unethical decisive prejudice in favor of absent defense
counsel Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire PC, who has not entered withdrawal of appearance while Judge
Robert J. Matthews forsakes all judicial decorum and runs circus courts in Courtroom 14 wherein Judge
Robert J. Matthews has telephone Erick L. Brown on his cell the night before December 18, 2009,
telephoned absent Erick L. Brown on speaker phone in open court on December 18, 2009 and asked
“how do you want me to handle this”; destroyed Roxanne Grinage’s and Lorraine Grinage’s stamped
filed proof of service and lawful filings on October 16, 2009, December 14, 2009, December 18, 2009,
January 21, 2010, February 23, 2010, March 2, 2010, and on March 8, 2010 and March 9, 2010 lied to
U.S. Marshals, Philadelphia Sheriff and CFCF Corrections Administrators Officer Willis and Officer
Gordon and Sheriff’s Warrant Squad Administrator Sergeant Muse in open court on March 8, 2010 and
March 9, 2010 wherein Judge Robert J. Matthews grandstanded for a U.S. Marshal who brought
Roxanne Grinage before Judge Matthews declaring “order to remove contempt of court charges and
expedite release of Lorraine Grinage from CFCF – Sheriff will call the prison and expedite release of
Lorraine Grinage” at Noon on 3/9/2010 and Roxanne Grinage confirmed with CFCF prison guard Officers
Gordon and Willis at 5:00 A.M. and Noon 3/10/2009 next day, 30 hours after Judge Robert J. Matthews
lied in open court, US Marshal and Sheriff that CFCF Corrections Officers received were actually given
instructions from Judge Robert J. Matthews to “hold indefinitely”.

Judge Robert J. Matthews abuses Philadelphia Sheriff employees, Court of Common Pleas Family Court
employees and now has even abused U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Unit Philadelphia, United States
Eastern District to indulge his prejudicial (mentally ill) personal vendettas to Illegally imprison protector
parents; prolong illegal imprisonment of family preservationists and prolong aggravated assaults and
psychological injuries against children.

                   22 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures
Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket
Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways
012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways

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012311 Confidential Distribution List Redacted Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Checklist Proposal Management Team Invitations First Draft Business Plan Nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways

  • 1. HireLyrics Administrative Services™ U.S. CITIZENS (controlled) PUBLIC DOCKET DATABASE™ A Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury Registered Standard Access Litigation Referral Mechanism and Roxanne Grinage™ PO Box 22225 Philadelphia PA 19136 Toll Free 888-589-1110 (all calls are recorded) Cell: (229) 395-0039 Email: HireLyrics™ is a litigation referral administrative services company that raises quality of life by providing standard access to those administrative services that when rendered contingently cause fair entry into competitive processes; exposure and earnings opportunities for the previously unseen, unmeasured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators©. What are Disadvantaged Creators© Creating?....Work Product and Career Contributions, Families, Communities, Education, Technology, Entertainment, Engineering, Military and Defense, Health care Medicine and Science, Twelve Step Recovery, Life Experience and Mentorship, etc. The answer to missed educational opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty; and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize access, standardize procedures, and standardize services. –roxanne grinage, HireLyrics Practice Model Schematics 2003. Pennsylvania Department of General Services, Minority Women Business Enterprise Certified 2003-2007 PADGS Code 96159 Legal Services Including Evidence Gathering, Depositions and Expert Witness Testimony; PADGS Code 91885 Personnel Employment Consulting (Human Resources); PADGS Code 95238 Employee Assistance Programs; PADGS Code 95239 Employment Generating Activities; PADGS Code 94682 Tax Services Including Tax Advisory Services PADGS Code 96225 Copywriting Services PADGS Code 95238 Employee Development Consulting Roxanne Grinage Hosts HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio PADGS Code 96220 Career Consulting satellite talk radio where we meet Sundays at 11:00 A.M. EST to share PADGS Code 91725 Image Consulting Administrative Solutions for Market Entering Challenges for the previously un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators©. Listen or download free anytime. Call in number for listening to show live comments questions and providing testimony of your CPS DHS Family Court or Agency Contractor victimization is 646-200-4377. DRAFT BUSINESS PLAN 1/25/2011 7:39 PM Talk Radio show players play automatically when you visit Come to show Serve url when live to experience chat and live listening commenting and FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM VOTERS expert witness statements. SAFE HAVEN DHS ABUSED RUNAWAYS CLOSED MEETING INVITATION The meeting described is a history making event and will be recorded published and distributed. Please present all questions comments and discussion about this package‟s index/contents on HireLyrics Is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show, Sunday January 23, 2011 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST. Roxanne Grinage will not be available to entertain impromptu discussions prior to in person closed meeting. Contact information for each recipient has been provided in confidential distribution list [not published] and closed meeting nonprofit business start up invitees are encouraged to forge collaborative dialogues with each other prior to in person meeting when all opportunities for moving forward with being a part of the formation of legally registered private and federal grant funded Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways will hinge on invitees meeting deadlines described herein. If you choose to or are unable for any reason to join me upon this path I am committed to pursuing without distraction please know that I am grateful for having had the opportunity to interact learn and benefit from our mutual collaborations but also wish you peace blessings safety and success as we part ways in love and respect, - respectfully Roxanne Grinage. Be advised that CLOSED IN PERSON MEETING will occur in Center City Philadelphia, where New Jersey, Michigan, Washington, Nevada, Florida, Montana and Oklahoma Invitees will participate via internet technology enabled services available to Roxanne Grinage‟s management (888) 589-1110, online chat, live talk radio broadcast. Date and location of intended closed in person meeting is not announced at this time and will be announced by telephone call of Roxanne Grinage approximately one to two weeks after receipt of this package. 1 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 2. Dear Respected Collaborator: This is the path I, Roxanne Grinage as the grandmother of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown am inspired (in spirit) to take to rescue my family’s heritage and future from Philadelphia Family Court with DHS Conflict of Interest Greed Malpractice Child Selling Schemes. I commit every resource I have including ten years demonstrated standard access mechanism Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services to the rescue of my grand children which I believe hinges on DHS slaughtered families ceasing to be reactive (the nature of a DHS Demonic Horror Story Assault is to Disorient Confuse and Dismay); determine and navigate our own course; fuel our own momentum; speak and show up in tragically large one body one voice – millions slaughtered. Because my family’s salvation rests in recognizing those with a common purpose passion commitment and ability, I believe in my vision that a personality independent standard access to fair entry into competitive processes, i.e., the New Civil Rights Movement fight for human lives; U.S. and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania economy is needed to amplify the voice of the systematically silently slaughtered victim American family. A management team of Federal Crime Victim Voters created by State Court Conflict of Interest with DHS malpractice will organize the endorsement and impeachment clout of a tragically far too large voter constituency while we create jobs in our community that do what our elected officials have failed to do – protect public safety, educate, make referrals to ethical litigators and claims processes; transmit Fraud Reports and Recovery Act Fraud and Waste Whistleblower transmittals; honor our Commonwealth, States’ and U.S. Constitutions; and provide constitutionally correct People’s Protection Safe Haven for DHS and Court Ordered Abused Runaways. I believe the addressees of this “package” are qualified to make unique contribution to implement on large scale quality of life enhancing jobs creation, community development educational lobbyist and public safety enforcement bona fide legitimate enterprise. Because our family’s heritage and future are at stake we each have a right to insist on knowing and trusting who we will stand in the trenches with and know we will be able to look to the right or the left and know, if able, we each “have” the other’s back. If one of us should fall, or ten of us should fall or a hundred of us should fall…we should have a community-needs powered personality independent mechanism in place that will repetitively trigger standard access to the rescue of children of all ages injured by the child selling schemes of official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted. Only those people invited may attend – no one may attend whose personal and professional work ethic synergy and intent have not been assessed by Roxanne Grinage’s demonstration of administrative solutions tool Pennsylvania Registered Litigation Referral Mechanism U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database and who I am not convinced share my primary purpose of Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown and children of all ages injured by CPS Corruption in Government. PACKAGE CONTENTS ARE SORTED INTO THREE SECTIONS – INDEX BELOW: 2 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 3. I. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS ARE FOR YOUR EMPOWERMENT SHARED FREELY AND LEFT WITH YOU IN LOVE AND RESPECT WITH NO OBLIGATION. Empowering resources (Pennsylvania Constitution and Bill of Rights Amendments, Mildenberg and Stalbaum’s Federal Class Action Complaint 2008 and Exhibit B Form of Settlement Agreement; with Federal Judge Jan E Dubois’ 8/27/10 Memorandum Jurisdictional Challenges and Order printed; the civil rights child custody lawsuit filed in New York November 10, 2010 which names chief justice and Unified Judicial System is printed. Also sharing resources shared with me by you in email – Freely shared with invitees whether you choose to participate in the forming of Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways or not. Also included are law schools and law school libraries directories, children’s trauma injuries and children litigation rights groups including some case law. Shared also in this section is what needs to be done by us as a group to form a legal viable long term free from founder’s syndrome nonprofit which qualifies for federal and private grant funding and which pays salaries and costs of our community development services rendered under the direction of the management team. a. Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Filing Guidelines. b. The Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act. c. Cease and Desist Orders d. Starting Your Nonprofit. Consider Fiscal Sponsorship To Jump Start Your Organization e. Do You Need a Lawyer to Start Your Nonprofit? f. Various Online Checklists for Starting a Nonprofit Organization g. Something to Avoid Founder‟s Syndrome h. Free Booklets – Guides to Management and to Program Design and Marketing i. Free, Online Nonprofit Organization Development Program j. Sources of Assistance to Help You Develop Your Nonprofit k. Bylaws Checklist l. Conference Calls and Electronic Meetings m. Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Forms n. Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau Instructions for Completion of Form Nonprofit Corporations Only. o. Pennsylvania Department of State Corporation Bureau Articles of Incorporation- Nonprofit p. Pennsylvania Department of State Instructions for Completion of Form: Annual Statement-Nonprofit Corporation q. Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia Why Form a Nonprofit Corporation? 3 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 4. r. University of Dayton Grand Jury Functions s. Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett, now Pennsylvania Governor‟s Attorney General Official Website article: Investigating the Investigating Grand Jury – What It Is, What It Does. t. Pennsylvania Attorney General official website article: Attorney General Corbett announces criminal charges in second phase of legislative investigation; 10 suspects charged Republican Caucus Investigation u. Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service Notice 1382 (Rev. September 2009) Changes for Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Complete 28 pages printed and enclosed for your empowerment. v. 2009 Seal of The City of Philadelphia Stamped Office of The Inspector General Annual Report, Amy L. Kurland, Inspector General. w. Pennsylvania Constitution Declaration of Rights. x. U.S. Constitution Amendments 11 thru 27 Bill of Rights y. Joint and Several Liability Analysis, “a legitimately injured plaintiff sues two defendants, A and B, for his damages. The separate acts of negligence of these two defendants combined to cause the plaintiffs injuries, thus invoking an appropriate finding of joint and several liability. Defendant has the ability to pay and defendant B does not. After a trial, defendant A is found 10% liable for plaintiffs injuries, while defendant B is found for the other 90% what is the result?” z. Lexis Nexis Article Copyright 2005 Southern Methodist University School of Law Journal of Air Law and Commerce. Article: Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Claims Under the Warsaw Convention. aa. DePelchin Children‟s Center – Trauma In Children. Sources of Trauma in Children: Sexual maltreatment/assault; Physical maltreatment/assault; Psychological maltreatment; Domestic violence; Neglect; Traumatic Loss/Separation; War/terrorism/political violence; inside the U.S.; Natural or Manmade Disaster; Illness/Medical; Illness/Accident. bb. ABA Member Advantage Directory Children‟s Rights Litigation Pennsylvania: Children‟s Advocacy Clinic Penn State University, Dickinson School of Law; Education Law Center; Interdisciplinary Child Advocacy Clinic University of Pennsylvania Law School; Juvenile Law Center; Kidsvoice; Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center; Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia; Support Center For Child Advocates; The Child Abuse and Neglect Program; The Kids N Kin: The Caregiving Program; Volunteer Attorneys for Medically Needy Children. cc. Children‟s Rights Litigation / ABA Section of Litigation / Case Notes: Landmark Juvenile Law Cases; First Amendment; Fourth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; In re William M and Marques B, Nevada Supreme Court; Kansas Supreme Court Rules that Juveniles Have a Right to a Jury Trial; In re C.s. 115 Ohio St. 3d 267 (2007); Finstuen v. Edmondson; Morse v. Frederick; Winkelman v. Parma City School District; R.S. v. Dept of Children and Fams; B.T. v. Jackson – S.E. 2d (W.Va. November 30, 2006), In a domestic violence case initiated by a 15 year old boy acting in his own right and without a guardian; Guardian Ad Litem‟s Duty of Confidentiality Not Absolute; The West Virgina Supreme Court of Appeals; Tennessee Rejects Jury Trials in Delinquency Proceedings; Kentucky Joins Courts Rejecting Crawford in Civil Child Welfare Proceedings; In re R.L.C. in an opinion narrowly 4 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 5. construing the U.S. Supreme Court‟s landmark decision in Lawrence v. Teas, the North Carolina Court of Appeals; In re Pamela A.G. after the four year old child made statements describing sexual abuse to her foster parents, a state social worker, a trained forensic interviewer, and her therapist, the state amended its abuse and neglect petition to include allegations of sexual abuse; In re Walling, this termination of parental rights case involved a five year old boy whose mother had alcohol and substance abuse and mental health issues; E. C. v. Sherman, The USDC for the Western District of Missouri declared that Missouri statutes rolling back adoption subsidies were unconstitutional and permanently enjoined the statutes from taking effect; In re Adoption of B.G.J.; Anderson v. Town of Durham, Maine Supreme Court; Harper v. Poway Unified School District; US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit speech protected outside a public school is not necessarily protected inside school grounds; Kenny a. v. Perdue; In February 2005 a federal district court ruled in Kenny A v. Perdue 356 F. Supp. 2d 1353 (N.D. Ga. 2005) that a class of abused and neglected children in two Georgia counties have the right to legal representation in all proceedings while in state custody. dd. ABA Director of Children‟s Law Program; Children‟s Law Center; Children‟s Legal Clinics; Children‟s Resource Centers By State. ee. City of Philadelphia Official Website Department of Human Services Contract Service Provider List. Printed and enclosed. 8 pages of veracious billable child traffickers City of Philadelphia Legal Department Solicitors retaliate against families who ask for their civil rights by shipping our children to the most horrendous of billable DHS Demonic Horror Stories. Study this list of contractor service providers and list each one involved in your families DHS Demonic Horror Story. ff. FY 2011 Request for Proposals Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Community-Based Prevention Services (CBPS); DHS Parenting Collaborative., Issue Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Due Date for Application, Wednesday, April 7, 2010 4:00 PM; Anne Marie Ambrose, Commissioner, Cynthia Figueroa, Deputy Commissioner, 1601 Cherry Street 9th Floor, Philadelphia Pa 19107. I provided printed all 27 pages except darkened cover page which would have eaten too much ink/toner to print. Study this Request For Proposal to understand the revenue fueled consumption of our families; to knowledgeably request audits (audits of what? Audits of whom?) as Department Heads of Federal Crime Victim Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways; and to become expert at responding to RFPs providing Proposals that will give DHS Contractor consumed families the ability to better manage funding sources when contract bids are won by private and federal grant funded nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. gg. List of Law Schools in Pennsylvania; hh. List of Bar Associations in Pennsylvania; ii. List Law School Libraries in Pennsylvania; jj. Printed from official court website: Administration Office Fax Numbers; Room Number and Direct Dial Telephone Numbers of: Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty; Honorable Margaret T. Murphy; Mary Lou Baker, Director; Deputy Court Administrator, Domestic Relations Division, Roy C. Chambers, III, Director Building and Field Operations; Joseph C. Kamnik, Jr., Director; Statistical Management and Personnel Policies Consultant: Clayton Carter, Manager Administrative Services, Facilities Record Retention and Security; Edward Lehmann, Manager Data Management and Scheduling; Administrative Support Staff: Anna Mae Shipley, Office Manager/Secretary to Mary Lou Baker; DCA; Philly Guercio, Personnel Specialist, Mary Ellen Ehringer 5 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 6. Sectary to Roy C. Chambers, III; Colleen McCarthy Secretary to Joseph McGill, Esquire; Carol DiEgidio, Receptionist. kk. City of Philadelphia Law Department Telephone List includes Civil Rights Unit all City Solicitors; direct dial extension: Official Title, Unit they function in, Division (DHS, real estate, tax administration, transportation, civil rights, appeals/litigation, intellectual property, executive office, general trial, etc.); the floor their office is on and their official city of Philadelphia taxpayer provided email address Includes numbers into conference rooms and Department fax numbers. 44 names on 8 pages total at least 280 Conflict of Interest functioning Officials whose individual accountability will be measured in fifty families and growing $1 Billion Class Action Personal Injuries lawsuit pending. ll. Office of Leon R. Koziol, J.D., 1518 Genesee Street, Utica, New York 13502 (315) 796- 4000, November 17, 2010 Press Release From: Civil Rights Advocate Leon R. Koziol, Re: Federal Court Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Against NYS Chief Justice State Court System and Others Challenging Parenting Laws and Liberty Deprivations; For Immediate Release: “In what may be described as the most sweeping challenge to date upon our nation‟s draconian child custody laws surrounding Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, New York Civil Rights Advocate Leon R. Koziol, J.D. has filed a comprehensive test case in United States District Court in Albany, New York. Named in the action are judicial and law enforcement officials, including New York‟s Chief Justice and Unified Court System. The lawsuit, served upon select parties this week, takes aim at “custody” and “child support” laws which alienate children from their parents as part of a government money generating scheme. A 39 page, 24 count civil complaint sets forth the manner in which lawyers and forensic agents feed off of manufactured controversies in domestic relations courts to harm parent-child relations and the financial stability of mainstream household. According to Koziol, it is a process which his harming the productivity of an entire nation. 38 pages printed and enclosed.” mm. U.S. Supreme Court of The United States Office of The Clerk, Washington, D.C. 20543, Guide For Prospective Indigent Petitioners for Writ of Certiorari. All pages printed and enclosed including Affidavit or Declaration in Support of Motion for Leave To Proceed In Forma Pauperis. nn. The Mildenberg & Stalbaum, P.C. prepared and filed 08/25/2008 Class Action Complaint U.S.D.C. PaED 208cv04110-JD (Federal Judge Jan E. Dubois). 20 pages and Civil Cover Sheet printed and enclosed. oo. Exhibit B of Three Proposed Settlement Agreements submitted by Mildenberg & Stalbaum, P.C. in U.S.D.C. PaED 208cv04100-JD: from United States District Court Southern District of New York, Plaintiff class and Intervening Plaintiffs against Rudolph W. Giulliani, Mayor of the City of New York; Jason Turner, Administrator of the Human Resources; Administration and Commissioner of the Department of Social Services of the City of New York; Nicholas Scoppetta, Commissioner of the City of New York City Administration for Children‟s Services; George E. Pataki, Governor of the State of New York; and John Johnson, Commissioner of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Case No. 95 cv 10533 (RJW). 28 pages enclosed. pp. 08/27/2010 Federal Judge Jan E. Dubois 37 pages Memorandum Jurisdictional Challenges; and 3 page Order in re Class Action Spencer and Bryan Jones severely brutalized disabled children. Remember the names Brave Little Jasmine Kitchen, Ezekiel Brown, Arriyel Brown, Zyeem Hill, Envy Smith and Marc Anthony Clayton. All pages printed and enclosed. qq. 11/29/2010 An example of administrative solution tool Federal Crime Victim Voters invoke 2004 Attorney General Promised Federal Crime Victim Bill of Rights Demand Retaliatory Stalking with Malice DHS Case workers Stay Away from victims a Federal Judge has already determined 6 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 7. they acted illegally in transporting the child/children into their DHS Demonic Horror Story “care” in the first place. rr. Collaborator Information that was freely shared with Roxanne Grinage passed on for your empowerment. i. 01/16/11 Email of Barbara Clayton re Lobby Day in Pa January 25, 2011 ii. 01/17/11 Email Confirmation Receipt of Deborah Young‟s Lawmaker Distribution requested scheduled meeting to discuss remedies for slowing DHS Malpractice Child Slaughter. iii. 01/17/11 Janice Brown guided me to official website of family law attorney Stacy E. Schwartz, LLC where Pennsylvania laws stating Grandparents have automatic standing in custody cases contrary to Judge Kevin M Dougherty, Alice Beck Dubow, Judge Paula Patrick and several Philadelphia Domestic Relations judges systematically violating Court Rules of Civil Procedure, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Constitution and U.S. Constitution verbally stripping grandparents and parents of “standing” and blocking parties and public from Courtrooms. iv. 01/19/11 Diane Azevedo shared articles and “The Child” Sweeps Into Massachusetts Like a Storm! Documentary PO Box 1090 Purcellville, VA 20134 (540) 751-1200 “You should have heard the “oohs” when everyone…realized this is something that their state‟s chapter of Focus on the Family, they got an audience of around 300, with 50 volunteering after the film to remain continually active in promoting the movie and the Parental Rights Amendment. v. [printed 1/19/11] Article by Carol Bangura, M.Ed., Child Custody Disputes and the Agencies in Philadelphia That Fail Them. vi. 10/06/1997, Article by Katherine Boo Post Staff Writer Page A01, Most D.C. Day-Care Centers Have Expired Licenses. II. MANDATORY DEADLINES ASSIGNED: REQUIRED DEMONSTRATED ACCOMPLISHED BEFORE OR AT IN PERSON MEETING. - Mandatory Forms Required Returned to Roxanne Grinage at the time of our in person closed meeting. You can appreciate the urgency of the daily systematic slaughter of working class student and impoverished families by Michael Nutter‟s Judge Kevin Dougherty Anne Marie Ambrose‟s Courtroom Killing Floors does not afford any further time for delays in judgment. If you will not make the in person meeting but want to be included you will have to send all mandatory completed signed forms by mail so that Roxanne Grinage receives them no later than the Friday before the Saturday meeting….Roxanne Grinage PO Box 22225, Philadelphia Pa 19136. a. [NOT A FORM BUT A REQUIRED TIME SENSITIVE ACTION ITEM]. Title Position Duties Description for which you perceive yourself receiving a salary for providing if employed by Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. You have to call the 888-589-1110 numbers and leave as many voicemail 7 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 8. messages as necessary to describe exactly what you envision your title(s) and work product contribution is a right fit expenditure of salary/compensation. No one is compensated monetarily simply for being a Board Member. We will submit the position descriptions accounting for the jobs created in our business plan as duties position descriptions are required by the various entities the non-profit will have to account to. Roxanne Grinage will type up your official position description as you describe the duties you are qualified for and willing to provide our organization and have available for your signature at first founder meeting. You must get your voicemail position descriptions into 888-589-1110 no later than January 28, 2011. Any late submissions of voicemail messages that describe your vision of compensable work product contribution to Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways will result in your forfeiting employment opportunities with our organization due to inability (for whatever reasons) to meet time sensitive deadlines of our new business start-up. Time sensitivity will drive all the competitive quality of life impacting community development actions provided by Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. b. Each invitee has 10 Class Action Sign Up Flyers which feature New Civil Rights Movement and Community Education Objective: Definition of Imminent Danger becomes common knowledge, presence of DHS case work vehicle presents optimum risk of crime in progress, Neighbors exercise moral and constitutional right to run, record their witnessing imminent danger or record themselves witnessing false statements kidnap for profit attempt of DHS employees. If there really is imminent danger, neighbors will record themselves raising their hands stating out loud “I am a family member; I am a family friend, I am a neighbor, there is no need to traumatize the child by placing the children at highest risk of injury and sexual predators occurring with DHS foster contractors…The child can continue in his or her familiar surroundings, familiar people places and things, familiar teachers, class mates schools and activities…Children’s Protective Services CPS policies and procedures are satisfied if the child remains in our care and the DHS case worker does not make false statements to cause Federal funding intended for the preservation of families for their own financial gain!” If community records themselves the vehicles photo i.d.s and license plates of visiting case workers, the fate of the working class student and impoverished victim family will no longer rest on the integrity and scruples of untrained or financially incented criminally behaving DHS employees… the thought of eventual individual accountability being leveraged for willful reckless child endangerment, kidnap for profit personal injuries inflicted, happening around our city two and three times a day and Federal Crime Victim Voters unbiased News Broadcasts featuring the daily systematic silent slaughter of families by dishonest DHS workers will provide an accurate measure of currently unreported conflict of interest malpractice atrocities for slowing the Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Court Reform Emergency. The yellow colored flyers are for posting in places seen by community. They are not for handing out to a population who may not have a need for the information. Please be prepared to submit a written list report to give Roxanne showing where you posted each flyer. You don‟t have to post all ten flyers, we are just tracking the feedback as it comes in from areas flyers are posted: Barber Shop, Laundry Mat, Check Cashing bulletin board, Supermarket bulletin boards, your homes where company would see; University and College campus information boards, etc, your church or place of worship bulletin board, community centers information boards, etc. 8 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 9. c. You each have 10 color flyers that are intended to be used for education through conversation. Again, do not waste resources by handing out flyers without recognizing whether the message meets the targeted audience we are trying to reach. After having a conversation with a classmate, someone you strike up a conversation with in any waiting room anywhere; your church mosque or synagogue members, your co-workers, and you have reason to believe they have interest, then, leave them with a color flyer. You don‟t have to report to Roxanne Grinage who got the color flyers because Roxanne Grinage is tracking the market response for yellow paper posted flyers. d. You each have 5 color New Civil Rights Movement Families Fight Back Say No More DHS Demonic Horror Stories Fundraiser Priorities (yellow text block) for Tee Shirt sales and Amazon published Court Reform Case Studies sales. Use these to understand my priorities for fundraising with an outlook towards the future that demands growing past any one particular personality or vision. Please begin to think about pitching proposals for what you believe is important to spend the abundance our private and federal grant funded non-profit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. Keep these fundraising priorities handy for when we go out into the community, parks and shopping malls as they are vibrant and will help to have on the various literature tables we might present. e. The Federal Crime Victim Conflict of Interest Disclosure Must be completely filled in signed and original returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. Please email Roxanne Grinage to talk about customizing this form to suit your workplace discrimination claim or your Family Court with DHS Conflict of Interest Malpractice victimization which occurred in a jurisdiction in a state other than Pennsylvania or a municipality outside of Philadelphia County. f. Pennsylvania Licensed Professionals COMPLAINT FORM(s) (Social Workers or Psychologist Bonding Evaluators etc) must be completely filled in signed and returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. If you have more than DHS employee you want to complain about to the license board make as many photocopies of the blank form as needed. g. Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Request For Confidential Investigation COMPLAINT Forms must be completely filled in signed and returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. h. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Attorney Discipline COMPLAINT Forms must be completely filled in signed and returned to Roxanne Grinage at first meeting. i. Complete All information asked for on Page 7 of my standard access intake form, i.e., authorization to aggressively publish and submit due diligence; you understand Roxanne Grinage is not an attorney but a legal administrative assistant, your telephone numbers, addresses are MANDATORY: List every possible way to contact your Authorized Representative. j. Read and sign Certificate of Service Child Slaughter, U.S. Economy Fraud, Court Reform State of Emergency Disclosure. Sign and date on page 14 and return original signed in blue or black ink to Roxanne Grinage at in person meeting. k. Read and sign that you understand Definitions and Declarations used by Roxanne Grinage in all lawful filings and claims processes; date and sing on page 18 and return all to Roxanne Grinage at in person meeting. 9 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 10. l. Complete Claimant‟s U.S. Citizens Data HireLyrics Client Information page 15 and return to Roxanne Grinage. m. Complete Information About the Person(s) Who Have Your Child/Children to the best of your ability. If you do not know a piece of information write “I do not know”. Do not leave anything blank. Complete Page 16 and Return to Roxanne Grinage at in person meeting. FIRST MEETING WILL ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING: 1. Agree on Overview Rationale Strategy and Planning (no issue will be tabled or decision delayed) the meeting will be scheduled to last three (3) hours on a Saturday – only attendees of the first meeting will participate in moving forward. 2. Sign your acknowledgement/approval on Roxanne Grinage‟s Notes taken during the meeting about our discussion and what we agreed the Bylaws will be for our Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury registered Non-Profit business start up. Our meeting and discussion will be recorded. Roxanne Grinage will type up and finalize the Bylaws we agree on and file with Pennsylvania Non-Profit Business Registration, paying the filing fee after getting the signature of agreed upon officers/board members only. 3. Next Steps Next Meeting: Roxanne Grinage reports back to Founder/Board Members Business Registration recommendation of attorney retained to Register Pennsylvania and IRS Non-Profit Entity FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM VOTERS SAFE HAVEN DHS ABUSED RUNAWAYS Below is a basic template that will be required to retain all professional services, including litigation, private investigators and attorney services. [Dear Litigation Professional, Thank you for meeting with us today to discuss services fees options recommendations regarding which professional services you might agree to render in accordance with our litigation referral, marketing, careers or business and community development objectives. Please review the enclosed materials left with you, discussed during our meeting today. Should you decide to render any professional services(s) on our behalf, we require (1) Signed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Case Status Reports Client File Transmittal and Confidentiality Agreement with your complete contact information including email address for timely document sharing, updates, etc, and (2) Proposed Form of Engagement Letters, Contingency Agreement(s), Payment Schedules/Options, or Litigation Plans that may apply. We promise to return a decision as to whether or not we will contract your services within one week of receiving these required written instruments. Respectfully submitted, HIRELYRICS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES U.S. CITIZENS PUBLIC DOCKET DATABASE By: _______________________________ Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrative Assistant] 10 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 11. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Case Status Reports Confidentiality Client File Transmittal Agreement I, _______________________________________________, functioning in a business capacity at _____________________________________________________________________ (include zip code); having telephone numbers __________________________________________________________________________ and email addresses ________________________________________________________________________ and website(s) ____________________________________________________; attorney I.D. or State Licensed Professional I.D. No.____________________; and Federal Tax I.D. No. _______________________________, and having disclosed all ways for optimizing efficient timely communications by and between myself, my staff and any authorized agents of my business (Skype)____________________, Facebook, Twitter, Internet Radio and TV, Linked In I.D.s, etc.___________________________________________________________________, ACCEPT: Legal and Moral Responsibility for having read, reviewed, talked with listened to and understood the professional services needs as expressed and presented by _______________________ and _____________________, in their individual and professional capacities as managers of Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury registered Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways, and do swear and affirm that I do not have a personal or professional relationship with any individual, agency, venue, system process, lobby group or campaign that would prevent me from acting ethically to provide professional services in the best interests of Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. I promise to disclose within twenty four hours of perceiving any developing conflicts of interests which may arise during our client professional service relationship. I agree to adhere to the standards of Confidentiality as prescribed by the various Bar Associations and licensing entities I am a member of. I recognize that the management team of Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways retain the right to make final decisions as to continued internet publishing case studies submitted as due diligence to the Certified Service Lists CPS Corruption In Government Clean Up Initiative recipients they have made known to me. I agree to provide Roxanne Grinage or Federal Crime Victim Voters appointed representative, Status Reports of any service I am Providing for them same day there is any new information to report by email or voicemail or both. If I am an attorney, I agree to provide to Roxanne Grinage or Federal Crime Victim Voters appointed representative, a copy on disc or flash drive if feasible or photocopies of entire contents of the client file I have created and grown on their behalf within 5 calendar days of requesting by email or voicemail or both and that I have already included the cost of copying and timely transmission of client file in the professional services contract fee quoted upon retainer of my services. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED: Signature Printed Name and all Contact Information 11 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 12. 01/08/2011 Checklist Documents provided for the first federal attorney shopped as class of similarly situated Federal Crime Victim Voters created by Philadelphia Family Court Domestic Relations Judges Conflicts of Interest Relationships with City of Philadelphia DHS hundreds of multi-million dollar billing contractors…See me Abena Lorraine and her husband Duane going to talk to the attorney on January 8, 2011, title “Neighbors Run Record Witness DHS Claimed Imminent Danger”. (1) Free To Register Interest Sign Up Flyer Distribution Lists Parties for Attorney Conflict of Interest Check. “A New Civil Rights Movement…Families Fight Back Say NO MORE…DHS Demonic Horror Stories.” Free Sign Up Form – Distributed in Community: $1 Billion Class Action Sign Up Family Court with DHS Malpractice Caused Personal Injury Economic Treason Child Support IRS Adoption Tax Credit Fraud Save Haven For DHS and Family Court Abused Runaways; Campaign 2012 Organize Voter Clout Federal Crime Victim Voters. (2) Practice Model Graphics - Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency (3) Administrative Solutions Strategy: Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency is Measured in Docket Monitoring. A New Civil Rights Movement…Families Fight Back…say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories. (4) Certificate of Service Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative Disclosures. Administrative Solution responsible recording respectful reporting individual accountability, Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights felonies inflicted “Guardianship is not lawfully reassigned.” Explains the administrative solutions features of U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database and was used in all pro se filings prepared by Roxanne Grinage for self and others. (5) Roxanne Grinage’s Medical Error Terminal Disease Inflicted by City of Philadelphia Jail Nurse in presence of U.S. Marshal; medical evidence confirmed on March 8, 2010. Conflict of Interest Disclosure for Medical and Legal Industry Professionals. Diagnosis details. Dated 9/14/10 invokes Whistleblower Protections. (6) Three Court Reform Case Studies the filings in related dockets Roxanne Grinage v. Fern Brown Caplan, et al, U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG; Willie Brownson Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown Arriyel Roxanne Brown in our own right versus Judge Robert J. Matthews and Anne Marie Ambrose in their individual capacities for having forfeited immunity 1983 Civil Rights Act Theft of Vested Interest and Career Theft Trauma Injuries, U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-05448-BMS and Lorraine Grinage v Saundra Sullivan 12/13/09 Aggravated Assaults on Minors while in the commission of Perjury Bigamy SSI Fraud and other fraud crimes, U.S.D.C. PaED 210-cv-00179-MSG. (7) How Big Business Corrupt Family Court Machine Grew Fatter by Consuming The Futures of Two American Children, Two U.S. Economy Careers and Product Contribution. HireLyrics Factual Case Study Documents Unethical and Dangerous Conducts of Three Family Court Professionals: Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, P.C.; Custody Master Fern B. Caplan, Esquire, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) Social Worker Patricia Lee, LSW. (8) Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown. Fundraiser pays for hiring private investigators, travel and professional expert witness report costs: Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan have fled 972 Anchor Street to avoid Federal and Municipal service of summons for aggravated assaults and child abuse injuries inflicted on Lorraine Grinage’s children and Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren from 12/13/2009 through June 8, 2010 attempted home invasion public mob assault with base ball bats and guns where Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan Diane Kearney Laquita Sullivan and 3 men with baseball bats and guns brought Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown into mob assault to further endanger and traumatize them as they watched their mother attacked with a bat, their grandmother assaulted and their father Erick Brown beat their pop pop and primary care giver Willie Brownson while fifty neighbors scrambled to protect their families from believed to be City of Philadelphia employee relatives of Saundra Sullivan who announced 12 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 13. “we got burners” while Saundra Sullivan said “You know I am not worried.” Philadelphia CR-10-06-11- 9549 was referred by President Judge Marsha Neifield to District Attorney R Seth Williams office for failure to effective service of summons on July 12, 2010 but Nepotism corruption in the District Attorney’s office and surname Kearney and Sullivan prevalent in D.A.’s office and City of Philadelphia Employee directory as well as 2009 Philadelphia OIG reports protects fugitive Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan Diane Kearney and Lenwood Kearney (Diane Kearney and Lenwood Kearney are DHS foster parents of two small burn victim boys and Anne Marie Ambrose refuses to do anything about one of her foster parents participating in a public mob assault child abduction. Diane Kearney is also witnessed by community hitting Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown and hosts get-high parties which further endanger and destroy Lorraine Grinage’s children. th (9) 6 in Court Reform Case Study Series. Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency Measured In Docket Monitoring. Courtroom Killing Floors Courtroom 14 Robert J. Matthews, Pennsylvania First Judicial District Court of Common Pleas Family Division. 27 S. 12 th Street and 46 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia Pa 19107. Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown DOB 09/22/06 Arriyel Roxanne Brown DOB 07/22/08 Emotionally Injured Abused Missing and Exploited Witnessed endangered traumatized and abducted during June 8, 2010, public mob assaults of Erick Lee Brown, Saundra O. Sullivan, DHS Foster Contractor Diane & Lenwood Kearney, Laquita Sullivan and 3 men with baseball bats and guns boasted by Saundra Sullivan to be friends who work for the City of Philadelphia. (10) Pennsylvania Corporations Bureau Department of State Business Entity US Citizens Public Docket Database (micro film shows litigation referral mechanism). (11) U.S. Marshals Service Affidavit U.S.D.C. 210-cv-00179-MSG. Lorraine Grinage v Saundra Sullivan (12) Order January 19, 2010 of U.S.D.C. Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg Grants In Forma Pauperism Lorraine Grinage. U.S. Marshal will serve Saundra O. Sullivan. (13) Complaint of Lorraine Grinage lawful guardian of Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown in our own right as guardianship is unlawfully reassigned through series of 47 felonies inflicted. (14) Curriculum Vitae Roxanne Grinage (15) Package Distributed at Obama Move America Forward Rally October 10, 2010. “Vote For Candidates Who Recognize Working Class Student and Impoverished Families Holding Evidence of State Agency DHS With State Court Malpractice Systematic Abuse of Immunity Language in 1983 Civil Rights Act Child Slaughter U.s. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency A New Civil Rights Movement….Families Fight Back….Say No More DHS Demonic Horror Stories. Vote for Candidates Who Arrest Child Abuse Fugitives Erick Lee Brown Saundra O. Sullivan fled 972 Anchor Street Philadelphia Pa 19124 skilled auto mechanic repairing cars on the street cell: 216-776-2634. Google Satellite Street View found Arriyel Roxanne Brown sitting on porch wall in front Saundra Sullivan parent’s and mob assault fugitives house Diane and Lenwood Kearney 4835 N. 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa, 19144 (a city dollar gift house). (16) Proofs hand delivered 11/09/2010 by Roxanne Grinage to Zane David Memeger USDOA Eastern District, request to fairly deploy Federal Fugitive Task Force voicemail follow up recorded and ignored. Attached. (17) 09/24/10 Open Letter Victims Names Read President First Lady Obama Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidates District Attorney R Seth Williams Mayor Michael Nutter Informed of Names of Federal Crime Victims 322 families nationwide 42 Philadelphia DHS slaughtered families. (18) 11/6/2012 Video Press Release from Liberty Place, Center City Philadelphia. INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT: OBJECTIVES OF 2012 GAVLANIZE VOTER CLOUT FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM PLAINTIFFS. 13 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 14. (19) 11/09/2012 Print Out Hand Delivered Evidence Delivered on Disc with active links to document proofs confirm Pennsylvania Eastern District corruption poisoned, ignored by U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Zane David Memeger Federal Fugitive Task Force unfairly deployed for liar Judge Robert J. Matthews and not to rescue proven injured mob assault abducted Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown, Lorraine Grinage’s children. (20) The packages distributed at 11/06/2010 Press Release includes thirty five families letter to City of Philadelphia City Council regarding DHS Hearings and Memorial Day Letter Eric Holder requesting Federal Intervention and Audits to secure public safety protect against Civil Unrest brewing in Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Gangland Styled Corruption Poisoned Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Also includes list of HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show Titles used to submit podcast urls to Certified Service List. III. Roxanne Grinage accounts to group about who I am what I believe in, my work ethic and my work product contribution: standard access mechanism practice models, community development data reported to President’s Executive Office prior to my victimization in U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG Roxanne Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire, et al; administrative solutions developed for financially devastated victims of Family Court with DHS corruption to achieve fair Marketing Careers Labels Stores and Litigation Referral; my personal demeanor, nine areas of expert administrative practice community development practice models; the letter notices public incident reports and work we as a group have already done to document the problem and why we will not spend any more energy dwelling in the problem and why will are ready as a group to urgently and lawfully move forward with strategy and planning that will rescue our families and our finances from Corrupt Family Court and DHS; which will be rendered into the developed vision of nonprofit enterprise start up Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS abused Runaways; a. Prayers and spiritual counseling shared with me which I believe in. 6 pages. b. Practice Model. Invention of Business Method provides standard access to administrative services that when rendered contingently raise quality of life by enabling earnings and exposure opportunities for previously unseen unmeasured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators. 1 page. c. Roxanne Grinage Speaking and Teaching Fee Schedule Fees Fairly Adjusted to provide standard access to learning Prototype Schematics of Quality of Life Enhancing Standard Access Portal Mechanism. Free for any Host Entity Type who gathers to worship a benevolent creator. 1 page d. Roxanne Grinage Respectfully Suggested Administrative Solutions for U.S. Economic Recovery – In The Trenches Qualified Contribution: There is a liquid demographic of Americans Who Strategically Troubleshoot and Minimize Projected Loss. Reported April 6, 2009 via Managed Service List to President Barack Obama, his Presidential Staff and President‟s Executive Officers in the form of print and with thirteen videos and forty-five pages HireLyrics Administrative Services Community Development data and Build This! Manifest Full-Scale Implementation of Mechanized Route to Best Quality of Life Without Delay! HireLyrics Schematics – HireLyrics was born to serve the previously unseen, un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators. “The answer to missed education opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize access, standardize procedures, and standardize services. Respectfully, - Roxanne Grinage. 45 pages. 14 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 15. e. Roxanne Grinage Virtual Dossier – Demonstrated Competences. The standard access community development and business start up bulk event design twelve step recovery spiritual inspirational motivation promotion items designed licensed and sold; best price pitch proposals; strategy planning and presentation work Roxanne dba HireLyrics was doing before encountering cumulated 47 felony crimes committed against Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown by Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire and Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, Judge Robert J. Matthews in CCP Phila. DR No. 0C0705124. 15 pages. 05/10/10 Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services Open Letter on behalf of twenty-six Philadelphia County DHS slaughtered families, addressed to Senator LeAnna Washington; Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell with courtesy copy certified service distribution to Mayor Michael Nutter; District Council Members; Anne Marie Ambrose DHS Commissioner; Pennsylvania Supreme Court Administrative Offices Taxpayer provided attorneys of record defending corruption abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act and District Judges in U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG; 209cv05015-MSG. 209cv05448-BMS; 210cv00179-MSG; and the Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; copy to Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency Case Study File: Lorraine Grinage Rescue DHS/Family Court ordered abused verified injured 3 ½ and 1 ½ year old Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown suffering mental cruelty, physical abuse, post traumatic stress disorder, parent alienation injuries as billable fodder for Social Security Income Fraud, Bigamy, Child Support Enforcement Fraud, Brightside Learning Academy Fraud; Fraud of Public Official Mayor of Norwood East Lansdowne, Fraud of City of Philadelphia DHS, Fraud of Philadelphia Family Court, Philadelphia Adoption Court Fraud (known about by Roberta Trombetta, Esquire), Fraud of Philadelphia District Attorney Private Criminal Complaint division, flagrantly practiced by and known about by all defrauded entities Child Abusers and Fraud Criminals Erick L. Brown and Saundra O. Sullivan 972 Anchor Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19124, now 4835 N 10 Street, Philadelphia Pa 19144 (Dianne and Lenwood Kearney); 4824 N 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa 19144 (Andrew Sullivan) and Google Satellite Street View has spotted Saundra Sullivan‟s relatives with Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown on 1800 block of Judson Street, Philadelphia Pa 19121. Re: NOTICE OF DESIRE TO REGISTER/PARTICIPATE IN UPCOMING “DHS HEARINGS.” “…This announces 26 Philadelphia families who‟s DHS and Philadelphia Family Court corruption victimizations are documented by HireLyrics Administrative Services desire to participate in the “DHS Hearings” talked about in attached Daily News article written by Regina Medina. Also attached is my 04/17/2010 Letter to Senator Anthony Hardy Williams on the subject. Please respond in writing with instructions as to how we may register/participate in upcoming „“DHS Hearings.‟” Complete Certified Service Distribution List. 18 pages f. 05/31/10 Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services Memorial Day Letter addressed to Mr. Eric Holder USDOJ on behalf of thirty-two DHS with Family Court malpractice slaughtered families. Certified Service Distribution included: Hand Delivery with Notice of Appeal of U.S.D.C. PaED Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg‟s Order of May 11, 2010 209-cv-04119-MSG Office of the Clerk before 06/10/10 Deadline U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Seven (7) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Eastern District Officials and City of Philadelphia Public Servants, Authorities and Officials who have ignored prior pleas of Philadelphia Families to respond to prior proofs of Economy and Quality of Life Impacts of Pennsylvania Eastern District‟s documented Child Slaughter Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency. …Dear Mr. Eric Holder, This Memorial Days marks exactly one year since I announced my standard access to administrative service mechanism, HireLyrics would use community development data gathered by citizens‟ verified public incident reports to develop and demonstrate working prototype administrative 15 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 16. solutions tool suggested to President Obama‟s Whitehouse Executive Officers in care of Rahm Emanuel….” 8 pages. g. 09/24/2010 Via Video Statement, Internet Posting, Print, Television, Talk Radio Media Distribution. This is an Open Letter respectfully transmitted on September 24, 2010 by Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services on behalf of 322 families nationwide; 42 working class student and impoverished Pennsylvania Families. Everything I do is to rescue Ezekiel Zadkiel Wright Leach Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown born to my daughter Lorraine Carlett Grinage on 9/22/2006 and 07/22/2008 and those CPS corruption in government destroyed children of all ages similarly situated. Strongest prayers for the rescue of children of all ages destroyed by CPS corruption in government. Strongest prayers for the rescue of children of all ages destroyed by CPS Corruption in government. Certified Service Distribution: President of the United States Barack Obama; First Lady Michelle Obama in her esteemed capacity for caring about quality of life for the American Family and in her 9/21/10 announced capacity for lobbying the interests of Democratic Party candidates; Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Corbett; Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Onorato; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter; Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams. Courtesy Copies for Esteemed Lawmakers and Prosecutors We Pray Will Intervene and Audit: Mr. Eric Holder; Federal Bureau of Investigation; “Crime victims created by corruption in government victimizations are also a voter constituency encouraged to call, email or fax your support of the passing of July 26, 2010 via press conference from Independence Mall announced Bipartisan Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission: Honorable Curt Schroder; Honorable Eugene DePasquale; Honorable John T. Yudichak; Honorable Mike Vereb; Informational Copies Certified Service: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Evidence Committee; Eastern District USDOJ Attorney; Child Abuse Registry Director Harriet Dichter and her replacement Michele Messinger and Acting Secretary Michael Nardone; Administrator Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline Wanda Sweigart; FBI Philadelphia Complaints; Chief Counsel for Philadelphia City Council who canceled public DHS Hearings ten (10) hours before hundreds of Philadelphia families registered interest in testifying as to DHS Demonic Horror Stories, John D. Christmas, Esquire; President Judge Marsha N. Neifield; Anne Marie Ambrose City of Philadelphia DHS; Pennsylvania State Court FJDC CCP Domestic Relations Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty. “There exists a voting constituency of working class student and impoverished families having specialized interests as crime victims created by official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted. We have used free and low cost services of the internet to develop standard access to administrative solutions tools which gather evidence depositions and witness testimony; county victims, measure economy fraud and career theft costs, measure intent culpability or competency of official corruption assailants to responsibly verify documents and whistle blow a nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency….” Lists thirty-seven names of DHS Slaughtered real flesh and blood Pennsylvanians and refers to 322 known about nationwide. The prototype demonstration development of HireLyrics Administrative Services demonstrated administrative solutions tool U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database Overview Rationale and Practice Models Evidence Gathered Testimony Interviews Experts and Resources broadcasts included with active links to Citizens Video Journalism are included…” h. 11/06/10 Video Press Release Liberty Place, Center City Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Three victims of Judge Kevin M. Dougherty Anne Marie Ambrose Roberta Trombetta illegal adoptions child selling schemes; Lorraine Grinage mother of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown; Barbara Clayton Grandmother of Marc Anthony Clayton; and Janice Brown 2009 Feltonville Crash Survivor Third Street Angels Grandmother Illegal Adoption Victims Zyeem Hill and Envy Smith. Press Release Announcement, Individual Accountability Statement. It‟s not “the government”; It‟s not “the system” It‟s not “them” and “they” that are destroying Commonwealth and U.S. economy via systematic injuries and disability inflicted by way of Kidnap for Profit, abusing existing laws policies and procedures of Federal 16 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 17. Funded Agency and Court employers – the culprits have first and last names and titles upon which Campaign 2012 Galvanize Voter Clout Federal Crime Victim Voters will leverage lawful individual accountability. The Goals and Objectives of Campaign 2012 Galvanize Voter Endorsement and Impeachment Clout of Tragically Far Too Large Voter Constituency Federal Crime Victim Plaintiffs is announced. i. 11/09/10 printed evidence with evidence DVD disc Roxanne Grinage hand delivered to U.S. Department of Justice Eastern District Pennsylvania Attorney Zane David Memeger with proofs of USDOJ and U.S. Marshals Federal Fugitive Task Force having been lied to by Judge Robert J. Matthews in cumulative 47 felonies committed to cover up the crimes of his colleagues Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire and Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire which resulted in 2 false arrests and imprisonment, personal injury medical error terminal disease inflicted. USDOA Zane David Memeger has ignored proofs connecting the 06/08/10 public mob assault child abuse abductors of Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown‟s nepotism corruption with Philadelphia District Attorney‟s office and City of Philadelphia‟ Dollar Gift House program. Despite proof that Google Street view found Arriyel Roxanne Brown on October 29, 2010 sitting unattended on 8 foot porch wall of neighbor of Saundra Sullivan‟s parents and mob assault child abuse participants and Anne Marie Ambrose known about DHS foster contractors, 4835 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 19144, Saundra Sullivan‟s brother Andrew Sullivan living across the street at 4824 N 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19144; with Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan‟s sons a few door down, new truck likely purchased from insurance fraud reported to 2 nd district police and R. Seth Williams February 2010 and again on May 25, 2010 – Zane David Memeger‟s ignoring evidence forced Philadelphia Families and his refusal to fairly deploy Federal Fugitive Task Force to Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel, Federal Judge‟s Mitchell S. Goldberg and Burle M. Schiller‟s documented by lawful filings Docket Manipulation Deliberately Imposed Administrative Errors in all related dockets 209-cv-04119-MSG forces the realization for Philadelphia working class student and impoverished families that our Eastern District of Pennsylvania is corruption poisoned. This is an example of how Federal Crime Victim Voters DHS Safe Haven For DHS Abused Runaways Nonprofit departments will submit reports, due diligence, proposals for budget spending and evidence to those entities we seek intervention and audits to slow a nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Reform Emergency. 18 pages. j. 10/18/10. Federal Crime Victim Voters Lobby the passing of Bipartisan proposed Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission. Judge Kevin M. Dougherty and Judge Margaret T. Murphy revealed to boast flagrant conflict of interest relationships with multi-million dollar billing contractor service providers of DHS. HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Talk Radio Topics which examined gathered testimony verified document and podcast urls submitted to official contact forms of those lawmakers, law enforcement, media icons, society and family preservationist, MBA and legal community, with the ability to intervene audit…Fifty Roxanne Grinage hosted Broadcasts from 08/09/2009 Family Court Attorney Child Welfare Ethics 6th Draft US Citizens Controlled Incident Report Database through 10/03/2010 President and First Lady Obama Pennsylvania Tom Corbett Dan Onorato Shown Federal Crime Victim Voter. 8 pages. k. 12/09/10. U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Public Post Incident Reports important Case Studies rendered into the Due Diligence Reporting Headings of Administrative Solutions Tool which measures Work Ethic, Synergy and Intent, Culpability, Competency, Willful, Accessory, Connects Relationship, Reveals Siphoning of Federal and State Funded intended for the preservation of families into the pockets of official corruption fraud civil rights individually named Defendants; Next Heading: Public Post Incident Report Lawful Actions Taken by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Victim Family before asking for Public Integrity Commission or Federal Intervention and Referral. Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency Is Measured in 17 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 18. Docket Monitoring. Headings: Number; Jurisdiction; U.S. Families and Business Victims Real Flesh and Blood Persons whose vested interest, career and economy contributions are stolen, obstructed or unlawfully siphoned due to Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Crimes and Court Malpractice imposed abuse of Immunity Language in 1983 civil Rights Act. Next Heading: Individual Accountability; Stripped of Immunity in 1983 Civil Rights Act For Having Willfully or Negligently Inflicted Felony Crimes Malpractice Irreparable Harms Upon American Families and Businesses. Strong Supreme Court Cert Petition Exhibit A. U.S.D.C. Courts Have Become Inaccessible As a Source To Petition Redress of Grievances of if Complainant is not a member of Corporate Entity Bar Association. Nationwide Violations of U.S. States‟ Constitutions, Employee Misconduct, Professional Malpractice Conflicts of Interest in Violation of Rules of Evidence and Civil Procedures, CPS Funding Sources and State Agencies DHS policies and procedures. Next Heading: Fraud Report Whistleblower Transmittal Intervention and Audit Requests. HireLyrics Demonstrated Verified Public Incident Reporting Verified Case Studies: Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Janice Brown and three generations of Family: includes Daily News articles, Pennsylvania Superior Court Discriminatory Dockets; Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Individual Accountability measured City of Philadelphia Civil Rights Legal Department, Civil Rights Unit and Child Welfare Craig T. Straw, Esquire: Barbara A. Ash City Solicitor DHS Social Services Chief Deputy City Solicitor; City of Philadelphia Pennsylvania Office of the City Solicitor Shelley R. Smith City Solicitor Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Kirt and Barbara Clayton, Lynn Clayton, Marc Anthony Clayton. Philadelphia Family Court Judge Kevin M Dougherty Worst Offender Illegal Adoptions. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Deborah M. Young and her children Chronic Deliberate Philadelphia Family Court Denials Protection From Abuse to Accommodate Wealthy Relative, Nepotism Corruption and DHS Contractors Billing Agenda. Prolonged Child Abuse, Trauma, Physical and Mental Abuse Injuries. Individual Accountability Shown in Pa Superior Court Dockets wherein Appellant Deborah M. Young won oral argument before Justices Stevens, Mundy and Kelly, only to have U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv- 05015-MSG Defendant Judge Alice Beck Dubow‟s mother come out of retirement to accept appointment on Pa Superior Court; Pa Superior Court Dockets prejudicially dismissed fast tracked closed 3 days before scheduled Oral Argument Appearance. These filings show how Federal Crime Victim Voters will “wear” our States and U.S. Constitutions declaring our right to retain our identities and to petition our Courts for Inherent Rights of Mankind without having to become licensed bar attorneys as no one interviewed us and asked us if we were bar association attorneys when Family Court Conflict of Interest Malpractice with DHS billing contractors targeted working class student and impoverished American families to inflict felonies of personal injuries, conspiracy to kidnap for profit, forced commercial transactions, theft of heritage, career theft, theft of vested interest, economic treason. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Brown Ezekiel Wright Leach Born 09/22/06; Brown Arriyel Roxanne born 07/22/08; Grinage Lorraine Carlett (Age 26); Grinage, Roxanne (Age 53), Brownson Brounson William Willie (Age 54), HireLyrics Administrative Service Pa Dept of State and U.S. Dept of Treasury Registered (2001); 09/20/2010 F.J.D. CCP Family DR 0C0705124; 09/10/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG; 11/13/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv05448-BMS; 01/14/2010 U.S.D.C. PaED 210cv00179-MSG; 06/07/2010 U.S.C.A. 3rd Circuit 10-2079 from 05/11/2010; 06/08/2010 Police DCM No 1025053895; 06/08/10 Public Mob Assault Child Abduction Brownson v Erick L. Brown CR-10-06- 11-9549. New Jersey, Lisa New Jersey Grandma For Justice is one of three illegal adoption victims Special Guest 18 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 19. Witness on Roxanne Grinage hosted HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio scheduled 12/05/2010. NBC Wednesday‟s Child Anchors David Hansell HHS Freddie Mac AdoptUSKids Get Kidnap For Profit Data. Known to CPS Reformist Groups as Lisa New Jersey Grandma, a legal industry paralegal professional who is a Federal Crime Victim with her son, having had several felony crimes inflicted upon their family to kidnap for profit through illegal adoption her grandson. 16 pages. The Following Lawful Filings Or Letter Notices And Demands Provided To Demonstrate That All Filings Of nonprofit Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways Legal Department Will Build On Administrative Solutions Method Demonstrated By Roxanne Grinage DBA HireLyrics Administrative Services. Every Single Filing Done For Any Community Member Seeking Services From Federal Crime Victim Voters Will Condense And Reflect Case Information From First Presentation Thru Current Filing. No Research Document Production Or Filing Procedures For Federal Crime Victim Voters Nonprofit Paid Legal Department Professionals Will Be Subject To The Limitations Of Traditional Thinking But Will Immediately Trigger Multiple And Internet Enabled Active Links To Data Management Evidence Gathering Discovery Depositions And Expert Witness Testimony. Litigation Claims Compensation Fraud Reports And Whistleblower Transmittals Will “Run” Through Simultaneous Venues Concurrently. Seminars May Be Held By The Community Educators In Our Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven For DHS Abused Runaways But The Legal Administrative Referral Services Enacted In Our Legal Department Will Not Be Curtailed Or Otherwise Made To Be Non-Standard By Any Outside Influence. l. 12/13/2009 Email Thread by and between Roxanne Grinage Lorraine Grinage grandmother of mother of Ezekiel Arriyel Brown alerting Anne Marie Ambrose Judge Robert J. Matthews USDOJ Eastern District USDC Clerk of Court Clerk 9, Fern Brown Caplan Esquire, DHS case workers Kenneth Dixon, Dionne M. Woodbury, Jacinta Garrison, Letitia C. Batton, Joseph E. Kuna; DR No. 0C0705124 144 Citizens Petitioned Removed Child Abuser Judge Robert J. Matthews, Michael A. Horan, Esquire, Judge Lisette Shirdan-Harris, Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire informing Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Defendants in 209cv04119-MSG and 209cv05448-BMS that their greed deceit extortion willful reckless child endangerment order of August 17, 2009 has resulted in “Re: Emergency IMMD Needed Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown Being Beat By Girlfriend Saundra Sullivan and her Sister Erick Brown Says He‟s going To Kill the Kids.” “Ms. Ambrose, given the records management debacle that caused these assaults of my grandchildren, could we please cut through all the keystone cop he said she said b.s. of your incompetent dishonest social workers? I had to remind Colette Jones she is a city employee before she would even give me her name. She said she would not take any of the case identifying information that would qualify her to know and act appropriately urgently, i.e., the evidence that Fern Brown Caplan destroyed and Official Fraud Corruption case of the Philadelphia Family Court criminals which Jacinta Garrison and ethical Police Sergeant looked at and Jacinta Garrison took into DHS possession which Kenneth A. Dixon chose to ignore to conspire with Timothy Possenti, Esquire, Judge Robert Matthews at the Paid for by Extorted Bribe August 16th Phony Rule To Show Cause Hearing. Why Can‟t you as Commissioner of Department of Human Services who is already the focus of so much willful reckless child endangerment and child abuse and child death, simply issue an Emergency Tactical Task Force that could rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel? Reports of crimes in progress do not ethically warrant “staff investigation.” Act urgently to take steps that save Ezekiel and Arriyel. DHS has 3 pounds of paper and Audio proofs results from your freakin‟ investigations that DHS has mismanaged, we are thinking deliberately now. I need to know my grandkids got to a hospital today and I‟m not going to get caught up and delayed in your slow talking round about incompetent scapegoat social worker supervisors. Take responsibility for the records management that impacts human lives and take responsibility for getting the instant information from your social worker Jacinta Garrison and Kenneth Dixon without further delay. Any other action than an urgent action independent of my getting the run around from DHS B.S. hotline is Professional 19 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 20. Misconduct and Criminal Complicit Accessory to Child Endangerment, Personal Injury and Death. Final statement in 18 page email thread 12/13/2009 is from Roxanne Grinage: “Are you without souls? I pray the feds indict and arrest Anne Marie Ambrose, Judge Robert J. Matthews, Fern Brown Caplan, Timothy Possenti, Michael A. Horan, Kenneth A. Dixon, and Sergeant Muse for capital felonies against children.” [The next day 12/14/2009 Fern Brown Caplan Stood in Michael A. Horan’s office snickered sneered and laughed while the sheriff deputies cuffed / arrested Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine Grinage who had come to Court to File Emergency Petition For Relief with ten pieces of evidence on Disk including one hour and ten minutes of Kenneth A. Dixon 10/14/2009 home visit false statements and 11/17/2009 Video of Statement of Erick Lee Brown detailing Custody Master’s and his attorney’s Timothy E. Possenti’s extortion demands that exceeded $4,000.00 “need $750.00 more for custody master.” While Protector Mother and Grandmother were locked up by Judge Robert J. Matthews who claimed there was no evidence on any of the six discs provided, Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan were across the street in defrauding Philadelphia Orphans Court getting a marriage license while Erick Brown was still legally married to Lorraine Grinage and who a friend of the Possenti Family, Mayor of Norwood, George F. McCloskey officiated over Bigamist Wedding Christmas Eve 12/24/09, we believe to assist in the back door illegal adoption that Roberta Trombetta, Esquire has refused to answer thirty-five Philadelphia families’ questions about how does one learn whether known child abusers have in fact filed notice to adopt or petition intent to adopt in the sealed clandestine Records of Philadelphia Adoption Court. Court Rules say protector mothers and fathers are supposed to be able to file a Petition Chief Judge Orders Disclosure. More than fifty Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered families aren’t even able to get answers posed by telephone, letter notice, certified, priority mail, etc.] 18 pages. 03/11/2010 thru 04/09/2010. Law abiding Citizens continue to act lawfully, utilize internet advertising ( and community patriotism organize Citizens Signature Gathering Campaigns to identify victims of Tyrant Judge and secure signatures Petitioning Removal of Corrupt Child Abuser CCP Philadelphia Family Court Jude Robert J. Matthews. Citizen Families of Philadelphia County Pennsylvania PETITION TO REMOVE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FAMILY DIVISION JUDGE ROBERT J. MATTHEWS Courtroom 14, 27 S. 12th Street, 46 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia PA 19107 A New Civil Rights Movement has begun forced by CPS Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative. Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency Return Signatures Addresses with Zip Code and Age to Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database (you can select all and copy and paste right into an email) 20 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 21. or Sign the Petition at or Postage prepaid Envelopes for return of signed petitions by Family Teams in Signature Gathering Campaigns around the City of Philadelphia will be Provided Promptly Upon Request PO Box 22225, Philadelphia PA 19136 Tel: 229-395-0039 If you download and open the pdf of this Petition to Remove Judge Robert J. Matthews, print only pages 1 through 5 if you are part of Philadelphia’s Citizen Family Teams zoned to gather signatures around University of Pennsylvania, Temple, Drexel, St. Joseph’s Hospital, The “Clothes Pin” sculpture at City Hall, Food Court Liberty Place, DPW locations, labor and staffing locations, second and third shift Center City restaurant night life and working class commuters, Bridge and Pratt, Roosevelt Avenue Mall in the Northeast or any of the Recovery and Transitional houses along Frankford Avenue, in Southwest Philadelphia; Salvation Army shelters and men’s shelter near Broad and Girard. The pages after page 5 are for the public’s information already posted to U.S. Citizens Public Docket at and show Judge Robert J. Matthews’ failure to meet American Bar Association judicial competency and conduct standards having been rated by litigants F and D- and having comments demands and pleas to remove the family destroying Judge Robert J. Matthews ABA ratings managed by the Courthouse Forum, “The Nation’s Repository of Courthouse Information” Trucker Distribution and Return of this signed Petition along with Truckers’ already powerful commitment to stop CPS’ targeting of Trucker Families is greatly appreciated. I live in these United States and signed below recognizing a new Civil Rights Movement has begun forced by CPS Corruption in Government Clean Up Initiative with strongest prayers that my signature will slow and eventually stop the Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency occurring in our nation. marshals-philad Original Air Date: 3/10/2010 6:30 AM Judge Robert J. Matthews lies to U.S. Marshals Philadelphia Sheriff CFCF 7901 State Road Prison The head of the snake of Philadelphia's CCP Family Court systematic child selling scheme with City of Philadelphia DHS which puts our children with the most abusive parent, locks up and destroys the finances of the protector parent, so that Anne Marie Ambrose DHS foster kinship and adoption contractors can bill federal funding for the transport "placement" "evaluations" human trafficking injuries and human trafficking our Philadelphia's middle class and working poor families by Bucks Delaware Montgomery County commercial litigation attorneys corrupt custody judges Fern Brown Caplan, Esq, Timothy E. Possenti, Esq PC, Judge Robert J. Matthews, Judge Alice Beck Dubow, Judges Ida K. Chen, Paula Patrick, Kevin Dougherty, Margaret T. Murphy, Diane Thompson, child advocates especially Carlin Talib Saafir Esquire and on and on - JUDGE ROBERT J. MATTHEWS show boated for the benefit of the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Unit who professionally and with dignity, handled Judge Matthews ordered arrest of Roxanne Grinage 03/08/2010 in Courtroom 14, 46 S. 11th St where Judge Matthews grandstanded order to expedite release of protector mother Lorraine Grinage who Sheriff's Office Warrant Sergeant Muse has imprisoned because mother tried to protect Ezekiel and Arriyel from Saundra Sullivan beatings and Judge Robert J. Matthews' terrorism against families. Lorraine Grinage is not released and Officer Gordon answering 215-686-7957 confirms at 5:00 A.M. 3/10/10, Philadelphia Sheriff CFCF won't say if Lorraine Grinage was harmed due to Judge Matthews' personal vendetta against families of Philadelphia who try to protect their children from the prolonged abuse DHS' child selling ring - still has no knowledge that Lorraine Grinage is supposed to be released and Roxanne Grinage's calls to both the U.S. Marshal's office, Sheriff's office about the tyranny go un-responded to. PID No. 9985315, CFCF 7901 State Road, Philadelphia, PA 215-685-7957. PLEASE PRAY FOR LORRAINE GRINAGE. 21 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.
  • 22. Category: Education  Philadelphia Citizens v Judge Robert J Matthews  Terrorist Judge Robert Matthews  Philadelphia Child Selling Ring Anne Marie Ambrose  DHS Philadelphia Family Court Contractors  USDOJ Court Reform State of Emergency I am either someone whose family has been harmed by Judge Robert J. Matthews or I know of a family who has been harmed by Judge Robert J. Matthews, or I have come to be informed of the harms Judge Robert J. Matthews is causing to Philadelphia Pennsylvania families through American Bar Association judicial competency and conduct ratings and/or U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database reports of arrests and imprisonment of family preservationist grandmothers, mothers and fathers who try to protect children from Court of Common Pleas Family Division Judge Matthews Corruption and Personal Vendetta Child Abuse inflict upon Philadelphia Pennsylvania families including Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren and Lorraine Grinage’s children Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown whose proofs of child endangerment, abuse and injuries were consistently destroyed by Judge Robert J. Matthews in order to indulge Judge Robert J. Matthews’ tyrannical senile and personal vendetta cover up of colleague Custody Master Fern Brown Caplan’s extortion conspiracy with private defense counsel Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, PC proven and known to the world posted and responsibly recorded July 20, 2009 through August 17, 2009 in U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database. Judge Robert J. Matthews has acted deliberately and with malice, criminal intent and personal vendetta to prolong and exacerbate verified injuries suffered by Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren to steal vested interests of Ezekiel’s and Arriyel’s Careers earnings to force commercial transactions and steal from the business interests of HireLyrics Administrative Services and U.S. Citizens Docket Database by committing Judicial Perjury to cause false arrest and imprisonment of Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine Grinage on 12/14/2009 and fraudulent clandestine hearing with DHS present on October 16, 2009, documented by video statement of Erick L. Brown on November 17, 2009, destroying by ignoring protector mother’s and grandmother’s lawful filings with Clerk of Court Mark Alleva, CCP Family Division Philadelphia County and exhibiting unlawful, unethical decisive prejudice in favor of absent defense counsel Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire PC, who has not entered withdrawal of appearance while Judge Robert J. Matthews forsakes all judicial decorum and runs circus courts in Courtroom 14 wherein Judge Robert J. Matthews has telephone Erick L. Brown on his cell the night before December 18, 2009, telephoned absent Erick L. Brown on speaker phone in open court on December 18, 2009 and asked “how do you want me to handle this”; destroyed Roxanne Grinage’s and Lorraine Grinage’s stamped filed proof of service and lawful filings on October 16, 2009, December 14, 2009, December 18, 2009, January 21, 2010, February 23, 2010, March 2, 2010, and on March 8, 2010 and March 9, 2010 lied to U.S. Marshals, Philadelphia Sheriff and CFCF Corrections Administrators Officer Willis and Officer Gordon and Sheriff’s Warrant Squad Administrator Sergeant Muse in open court on March 8, 2010 and March 9, 2010 wherein Judge Robert J. Matthews grandstanded for a U.S. Marshal who brought Roxanne Grinage before Judge Matthews declaring “order to remove contempt of court charges and expedite release of Lorraine Grinage from CFCF – Sheriff will call the prison and expedite release of Lorraine Grinage” at Noon on 3/9/2010 and Roxanne Grinage confirmed with CFCF prison guard Officers Gordon and Willis at 5:00 A.M. and Noon 3/10/2009 next day, 30 hours after Judge Robert J. Matthews lied in open court, US Marshal and Sheriff that CFCF Corrections Officers received were actually given instructions from Judge Robert J. Matthews to “hold indefinitely”. Judge Robert J. Matthews abuses Philadelphia Sheriff employees, Court of Common Pleas Family Court employees and now has even abused U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force Unit Philadelphia, United States Eastern District to indulge his prejudicial (mentally ill) personal vendettas to Illegally imprison protector parents; prolong illegal imprisonment of family preservationists and prolong aggravated assaults and psychological injuries against children. 22 of Total 28 (Cover Letter Instructions) pages not including described enclosures Copyright 09/06/2010©. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrator, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Call Toll Free: 1-888-589-1110,, rox‟s cell 229-395-0039.